import java.applet.*;

import java.awt.*;

// Tripolar by Scott Snibbe. July 2002.

// Tripolar simulates a pendulum swinging above three magnets. The program draws

// the complete path that a pendulum would follow if it were released

// above the table exactly at the mouse point. This is a well-known

// chaotic system - very small changes to the starting position produce

// large changes to the path and which magnet on which it unltimately ends.

// The program drags the starting position slowly towards the actual

// mouse position, so that one can explore points between pixels, simulating

// a screen resolution hundreds of times the actual pixel resolution.

// The source code demonstrates the "meta-chaos" of the program itself.

// A set of key variables defines all the parameters of the simulation.

// Changing any of these parameters radically alters the artwork, in most

// cases making it non-functional - in some cases the program will hang, 

// in others the paths will explode, implode or oscillate.

// By its title, the program is also meant to suggest the connection between

// mental states and these chaotic phenomena - even small, simple physical

// systems are as unpredictable and sensitive to initial conditions as our

// own minds. Chaos and complexity reign at all scales.

public class Tripolar extends Applet implements Runnable


   // Controls whether we're updating animation

    Thread kicker_ = null;

   // Indication that animation thread has halted

    boolean timeToDie_;

   // Milliseconds between frame updates

   private int speed_;

   // Offscreen buffer for double-buffering

    Image offScrImage_;

   Graphics offScrGC_;

   int screenWidth_, screenHeight_;

   double centerX_, centerY_;

   double scale_;

   boolean down_ = false;

   Point mousePt_;

   double probeX_ = 1e10, probeY_ = 1e10;

   // These constants define the artwork - very slight changes to parameters

   // will make the program, implode, explode, or simply less interesting.

   // As a work exploring chaotic phenomena, these parameters show the "meta-chaos"

   // of the program itself - a nonlinear system extremely sensitive to 

   // initial conditions.

   // These choices also represent the hand of the individual artist in an 

   // algorithmic/technical work.

   double damping_ = 0.97;    // damping constant

   double gravity_ = 0.005;   // gravitational constant

   double magnetism_ = 0.1;

   double height_ = 0.1;      // vertical distance from magnets

   double mass_ = 1.0;        // mass of pendulum

   double dtSim_ = 0.01;      // time step

   double [] magnetX_, magnetY_;

   // Thread proc which updates animation

    public void run() {

       while (kicker_ != null) {



         try {

            if (!timeToDie_) {


            } else {

               if (kicker_ != null) {


                  kicker_ = null;




         } catch (InterruptedException e) {





    // Start the applet

    public void start() {


      if (kicker_ == null) {

         kicker_ = new Thread(this);




    // Stop the applet.

    public void stop() {

      timeToDie_ = true;


   public void init()


      speed_ = 33;

      screenWidth_ =  size().width;

      screenHeight_ =  size().height;

      centerX_ = (double) screenWidth_ / 2.0;

      centerY_ = (double) screenHeight_ / 2.0;

      scale_ = Math.min(centerX_, centerY_);    // scale to normalize

      // Create offscreen buffer

      offScrImage_ = createImage(screenWidth_, screenHeight_);

      offScrGC_ = offScrImage_.getGraphics();

      // Background color for our applet



      mousePt_ = new Point();

      magnetX_ = new double [3];

      magnetY_ = new double [3];


      timeToDie_ = false;


   // create three magnets at given radius from center

   void setMagnets(double r) {

      magnetX_[0] = r * Math.cos(Math.PI/2);

      magnetY_[0] = r * Math.sin(Math.PI/2);

      magnetX_[1] = r * Math.cos(Math.PI/2 + (2*Math.PI) / 3);

      magnetY_[1] = r * Math.sin(Math.PI/2 + (2*Math.PI) / 3);

      magnetX_[2] = r * Math.cos(Math.PI/2 - (2*Math.PI) / 3);

      magnetY_[2] = r * Math.sin(Math.PI/2 - (2*Math.PI) / 3);


   // performs the simulation of th/v2/img/enterproject.gif

   void updatePaths(double x, double y, Graphics g) {

      double vX=0, vY=0;   // velocity

      double fX,fY;

      double r, over_rsq, over_rcube;

      double dx, dy;

      double filtVel = 1;

      double lastX, lastY;

      int iter = 0;


      while (filtVel > 0.1 && iter < 10000) {



         fY=0; // zero forces

         // simulate gravitational pull towards center

         r = x*x + y*y;

         if (r < 0.00001)

            r= 0.00001;

         over_rsq = 1.0 / r;

         fX -= (x * gravity_) * over_rsq;

         fY -= (y * gravity_) * over_rsq;

         // simulate magnetic forces towards three magnets using 

         // Coulomb's 2nd law - attraction falls off with distance square

         for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {

            dx = magnetX_[m] - x;

            dy = magnetY_[m] - y;

            r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + height_*height_);

            if (r < 0.00001)

               r = 0.00001;

            over_rcube = 1.0 / (r*r*r);

            fX += magnetism_ * dx * over_rcube;

            fY += magnetism_ * dy * over_rcube;


         // friction proportional to velocity

         fX -= vX*damping_;

         fY -= vY*damping_;

         // Apply forces using Newton's Law: F=mA

         vX += dtSim_ * fX / mass_;

         vY += dtSim_ * fY / mass_;

         // compute filtered velocity, to determine when the pendulum stops

         filtVel = 0.99 * filtVel + 0.1 * Math.max(Math.abs(vX), Math.abs(vY));

         lastX = x;

         lastY = y;

         x += vX;

         y += vY;

         drawNormalizedLine(lastX, lastY, x, y, g);



   void drawNormalizedLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Graphics g) {

      g.drawLine((int) Math.round(x1 * scale_ + centerX_),

               (int) Math.round(y1 * scale_ + centerY_),

               (int) Math.round(x2 * scale_ + centerX_),

               (int) Math.round(y2 * scale_ + centerY_));


   // Override update so that it only calls paint.

   public void update(Graphics g) {



   void updateAnimation() {

      if (!down_) return;

      // interpolate from probe position to mouse position

      if (probeX_ == 1e10) {

         probeX_ = mousePt_.x;

         probeY_ = mousePt_.y;


      double dx = mousePt_.x - probeX_;

      double dy = mousePt_.y - probeY_;

      double distSq = dx*dx + dy*dy;

      if (distSq > 1) { // exponentially proceed to pixel clicked on

         probeX_ += dx/2;

         probeY_ += dy/2;

      } else {       // logarithmically interpolate over last pixel

                     // This allows one to explore values between pixels

                     // by "pulling" the actual probe very slowly towards

                     // the mouse position.

         probeX_ += dx * 0.01;

         probeY_ += dy * 0.01;



   public void paint(Graphics g)


      offScrGC_ = offScrImage_.getGraphics();

      // Draw all the graphics onto offscreen buffer


      offScrGC_.fillRect(0, 0, screenWidth_, screenHeight_);

      if (probeX_ != 1e10) {

         updatePaths((probeX_ - centerX_) / scale_,

                  (probeY_ - centerY_) / scale_, offScrGC_);


      // Copy the offscreen buffer onscreen

      g.drawImage(offScrImage_, 0, 0, this);


   public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) {

      down_ = true;

      mousePt_.setLocation(x, y);

      return true;


   public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y) {

      down_ = false;

      return true;


   public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y) {

      if (down_) {

         mousePt_.setLocation(x, y);


      return true;


   public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y) {

      // Request that events are delivered to our applet


      return true;



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