Stop Motion Studies - Series 7
“Given the dominance of the database in computer software and the key role it plays in the computer-based design process, perhaps we can arrive at new kinds of narrative by focusing our attention on how narrative and database can work together. How can a narrative take into account the fact that its elements are organized in a database? How can our new abilities to store vast amounts of data, to automatically classify, index, link, search, and instantly retrieve it, lead to new kinds of narratives?” —Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media
The Stop Motion Studies extend my long-standing interest in narrative and, in particular, look at the subway as a stage upon which social dynamics and individual behavior are increasingly mediated by digital technology. As one of the most vibrant and egalitarian networks in our cities, subways bring people from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds into close contact with each other. This process plays a significant role in shaping both the character of a city as well as our individual identities.
In this remix for the Whitney’s Artport, I’ve taken previous material and added a meta-structure which allows users to apply database logic as a creative filter. The project’s original sequential construct remains intact, but is now nested within a categorical hierarchy. The interface also supports a spatial montage in which sequences from four cities appear simultaneously. Users are invited to reconstruct mini-narratives based upon the paths they take through the data. Thanks to Beverly Hynes-Grace, Mats Nordahl, and Christiane Paul. —David Crawford 03.01.03
You’ll need the following free software:
Netscape or
Explorer 5.0+
(on a Mac use Netscape) &
Flash 6.0+