{Software} Structures

   A surface filled with one hundred medium to small sized circles. 
   Each circle has a different size and direction, but moves at the same slow rate. 
   A. The instantaneous intersections of the circles 
   >>> B. The aggregate intersections of the circles 
   Implemented by J. Tarbell <http://levitated.net> 
   8 April 2004 
   Flash MX 
   Flash files must be attached to different parts of the Flash 
   environment before they will compile. They are presented 
   on this page outside their context. 
// Code in the first frame of the Timeline 
Object.env = this; 
numCircle = 100; 
circles = new Array(); 
numLine = 1000; 
cntLine = 0; 
function pushLine(aX, aY, bX, bY, a) { 
  var nombre = "pline"+String(cntLine); 
  var init = {_x:aX,_y:aY,_xscale:bX-aX,_yscale:bY-aY,_alpha:a}; 
  if (cntLine++>numLine) { 
for(var i=0; i<numCircle; i++) { 
  var nombre = "circle"+String(i); 
  var init = {_x:Math.random()*Stage.width,_y:Stage.height*i/numCircle,r:10+Math.random()*50,sp:Math.random()-Math.random(),ysp:Math.random()-Math.random(),id:i}; 
  var neo = this.attachMovie("circle",nombre,i,init); 
this.onEnterFrame = function() { 
  if (cnt%2 == 0) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < numCircle; i++) { 
  for (var i = 0; i < numCircle; i++) { 
// Code associated with the circle Movie Clip 
// constructor 
function Circle() { 
  this.r2 = this.r*this.r; 
// allow component to inherit MovieClip properties 
Circle.prototype = new MovieClip(); 
// instance methods 
Circle.prototype.update = function() { 
  for (var i =t his.id+1; i < Object.env.numCircle; i++) { 
Circle.prototype.makepoint = function() { 
  // not required, point exists as graphic in movieclip 
Circle.prototype.move = function() { 
  this._x += this.sp; 
  this._y += this.ysp; 
  if (this.sp > 0) { 
    if (this._x > Stage.width+this.r) { 
      this._x = -this.r; 
  } else { 
    if (this._x < -this.r) { 
      this._x = Stage.width+this.r; 
  if (this.ysp > 0) { 
    if (this._y > Stage.height+this.r) { 
      this._y = -this.r; 
  } else { 
    if (this._y < -this.r) { 
      this._y = Stage.height+this.r; 
Circle.prototype.intersect = function( cB ) { 
  var cA = this; 
  var dx = cA._x - cB._x; 
  var dy = cA._y - cB._y; 
  var d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; 
  var d = Math.sqrt(d2); 
  if ( d>cA.r+cB.r || d<Math.abs(cA.r-cB.r) ) { 
    return; // no solution 
  var a = (cA.r2 - cB.r2 + d2) / (2*d); 
  var h = Math.sqrt( cA.r2 - a*a ); 
  var x2 = cA._x + a*(cB._x - cA._x)/d; 
  var y2 = cA._y + a*(cB._y - cA._y)/d; 
  var paX = x2 + h*(cB._y - cA._y)/d; 
  var paY = y2 - h*(cB._x - cA._x)/d; 
  var pbX = x2 - h*(cB._y - cA._y)/d; 
  var pbY = y2 + h*(cB._x - cA._x)/d; 
  var dist = Math.sqrt((paX-pbX)*(paX-pbX)+(paY-pbY)*(paY-pbY)); 
// Connect the class with the linkage ID for this movie clip 
Object.registerClass("circle", Circle); 