agonistics: a language game
w a r r e n s a c k <wsack@media.mit.edu>
- Agonistics is a game played by sending email messages to an online discussion.
- The goal of the game is to win points, move to the center of the circle, and get your words displayed on the left of the screen.
- Players are randomly assigned a face.
- Players win points by engaging in dialogue with other players.
- When a player wins points, the player’s face is moved towards the center.
- The faces of players in dialogue are moved together.
- When a player in a dialogue group posts a message that addresses a theme the group is discussing, the theme is shown and a sentence from the player’s message is highlighted at the top of the screen.
- Players who are not in dialogue with others never have their words highlighted.
- Click here to play Agonistics by participating in the Usenet newsgroup alt.politics.bush.