previous part of sentence

e I is all alone... one of the lonliest words But not the only one a is pretty lonely, too a A A is all alone... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I just thought IÕd do that... thank you very much...____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\ itÕs me...Chris Amos...again..._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, great... now I feel guilty... I have blemished this sacred sector of cyberspace... no one will ever know the kind of guilt I feel right now... I am trult sorry, Mr. Davis, for making your creation not quite as beautiful as it could have bee... of all the things I do in my entire life, will this be the one thing that remains when I am gone? ----THIS LONGEST SENTENCE IN THE WORLD IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE AT BLAMO COLA, "SLAM A BLAMO"----- and now . . . my 3 seconds of fame is realized Martha's Ox is Under the Moon and i say, it is midnight / the rain is beating on the windows / I am in my mother's room / it is midnight / the rain beating on the windows / and I am in my mother's room / it's I who loves there now / it's I lives there now / I don't know how I got there / perhaps in an ambulance, certainly a vehicle of some kind / perhaps in an ambulance, certainly / a vehicle of some kind / I was helped / I'd never have got there alone / I was helped / there's this man who comes every week / perhaps I got there thanks to him / he says not / he gives me money / yes, I work now, a little like I used to, except that ... I don't know how to work anymore / yes ... I work now, like I used to, a little, except anymore I don't know how to work / that doens't matter, apparently / what I'd like now is to speak of the things that are left, say my goodbyes, finish dying / what I'd like now is to speak / the things that are left / say goodbye / finish dying / the truth is, I haven't much will left / for what? I don't know / the truth is, I don't know much / for example, my mother's death / for example / my mother's death / was she already dead when I came? or did she only die later? I mean, enough to bury / I don't know / perhaps they haven't buried her yet / perhaps they haven't / buried her / yet / I don't know / in any case, I have her room / I sleep in her bed / I have taken her place / I must resemble her more and more / all I need now is a son / perhaps I have one somewhere / I think not, I think not / that doesn't matter, apparently Ņ good / he. the one who comes to see me, he's a queer one / it was he told me I'd begun all wrong / begun / all wrong / that I should have begun differently / I don't know / I don't know I don't know / he must be right / I began at the beginning, can you imagine that? I began at the beginning / here's my beginning / I took a lot of trouble with it / here it is / it gave me a lot of trouble / it was the beginning, do you understand? whereas now, it's nearly the end / is what I do now ... any better? I don't know / that's beside the point / here's my beginning / it must mean something this time then once more I think, then, perhaps, a last time., then I think it'll be over / I was getting to know it better / so that at first I did not know / but in the end I understood / I understood it / I understood it / all wrong perhaps / that ... is not what matters / am I freer now than I was? that is what matters / I don't know then then I went back into the house / then I went back into the house and I wrote / I wrote, It is midnight / the rain is beating on the windows / I am in my mother's room / IT WAS NOT MIDNIGHT / THE RAIN WAS NOT BEATING ON THE WINDOWS / I DID NOT GO BACK INTO THE HOUSE / I WAS NOT IN MY MOTHER'S ROOM aids aidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsiadsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsiadsiadsiads aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaidsids aidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsiadsiadsiads aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaids aids aidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaidsaids aidsaidsaids aidsaids aids aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid ai aia ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a an interrupted and unending life sentence Leviathan slowly raised its hulking braincase and reaching down into the depths of its bowels summoned forth the most horrendous stench of a vocalization ever heard upon the face of the home world of the shtimp-cats at which time AS BELOW SO ABOVE; D F HARROUN ...and then Cory said, "That's not art," and I had to agree... THE GOD OF LOVE PARDONS THE LOVER FOR LISTENING TO REASON AND PROMISES AID Now when the God of Love had proved me well/And always seen me show such loyalty/To him as was my duty, he appeared/Smiling at my grief, and placed his hand/ Upon my head and asked if his commands/Had all been kept, and how my case now stood/ With that fair Rose who had my heart entranced./Though he omniscient is, he asked all this/ Said he, "Have all the laws which I impose/Upon true lovers, and on more besides,/ From which they never must depart, been kept?"/"I know not, sir, but I have done my best." The Romance of the Rose 1237-1277 a.d. silly, because this sentence has gotten much too silly, and Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here, but I'm being repressed, and so I said trees are cool, rain is not, I am a banana, and you are a piece of crap the lord of darkness watches over us all He is the only true one that guides us, rock music is the fuel of our lives damn the Democrats for their deaths will be sweet kwijibo on the loose and thus it was that Ransom, seeing his way clearly, stepped through the open window and into wide-open spaces of course it was a dark and stormy night when I wrote this, thought Polly guardedly, ...and wide open expanses... BUT! (Oh, this is Animesh Sabnis here, in the little old town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) It is unfortunately well past that mystical/magical date of February 15 and I'm not sure if I will be able to contribute to The World's First Collab- orative Sentence, which I think is one of the most crea- tive ideas to hit the Internet since the Internet itself, so thank you David Douglas (perhaps you can tell that I am a master of the run-on sentence, for I don't need periods except for ellipses, which I continue to tell myself I use far too often, as if it's chic to use ellipes in these the 1990's, as if an incomplete thought is a complete thought, which it's not but it can be so you never know if you've finished a thought until you actually FINISH is, so I say not only DAMN THE PERIODS but DAMN THE ELLIPSES!) and now I've potentially shared my grammatical philosophy with the world, which is a scary thought, however my point was that I'd submit this puppy and then log on a few days later (after I return from Brown University, where I am so excited to have been accepted to), and I may have just ... Anne Margaret Arnhym and as those monkeys from my left head fly effortlessly into the pale night sky Am I going to get a contract for this, or do I have to do it all by my lonesome? but if the peeling, pulsating can retreat how can Bill Lasworth create a vibrating tummy that works its way inside and out of the inner space which the ellllllleeeeeeeppppppphhhhhhhaaaaaaaannts call la casa del soul everyone and everything involved with chemistry deserves to die a slow, painful death, e.g. having each cell in their body implode at once, or having ants chew them to pieces or just eating themselves. i feel much better now. Ying makes my ding fling flying saucers of succulent sac sac Are you reading this, and if so, how is it coming across? Is that freaky guy on the first page as frightening to you as he is to me? Would you buy me a Pepsi? Will you give me o(au)ral pleasure? Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encounterd, given and transmitted from the past; the tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living; My name is John Casanova and I am taking this great opportunity for immortality by adding my name to "The World's First" as well as those of my family; Cheryl Koncas Casanova, Andrew John Koncas Casanova, Evan Anthony Koncas Casanova and our pet hamster Rushie; and my co-workers and friends Bob Sullivan and Mary Francis Lyons By the way, my name is John Casanova

I'm Terry Gross and this is Jack, and my dog, Duke, could really contribute to this historical moment or is this soemthing that is set aside for those special few who know someone on the "inside" or whose great-uncle use to work in the mailroom, but then I digress to the point of pointlessness, assuming that is a word or can act as one in a pinch Uhhhhh huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhh that was cool! *whack* Aaaaaaahhhhhh, cut it out buttmunch *chwach* *bam* aaaach *bap* *bap* *whack* uh huhuhuhuhuhuhuh that was cool im smothered, mother, so smothered, by everything around i locked myself in this closet and i thought it was going to be nice and warm, but im getting to hot and i cant breathe anymore mother im smothered so smothered and i cant get out of here because i locked myself in i wanted to escape to get away and now i cant mother im smothered lisa salvo, 14 yrs old, pxjx73b@prodigycom (theres a period between the prodigy and the com but i was asked not to put periods so smothered kUrT cObAiN iN mY nIrVaNa cOlOrInG bOok i cOloUrEd hIs hAiR mAgEnTa lIkE iN tHe lIthIuM vIdEo aNd kRiSt nOvEsElIc iAcCiDeNtAlLy cOlOrEd GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEn bEcAuSe iF i DiDnT hAvE iT aLl cOlOrEd iN bY tHrEe o'ClOcK tHeY wOuLd tHrOw mE iN jAiL iN sWiTzErLaNd aNd tHeN i aTe sOmE bEaStIe bOyS cOoKiEs wItH aDrOcK oNeS aS mY fAvOrItE cUz HeS vErY yUmMy lOoKiNg Sadness is like Imru al qays said kifa nabki min dikra 7abibin wa manzili Bi sikta liwa3 beina dakhouli wa el 7awmalii Understand who can ...Ya makan fi kadim aZaman . guilty because i was seeing someone else in san jose, a very nice boy who loved me like a blood sponge, like a cold cut, like shish-kabob brains, like miserable characters ripped from the page, and stuffed in the pockets of ignorant gods, while little Jim Osterberg clumsily plods ...and I find myself carrying on a casual conversation with her as I continue with the pevic exam talking of the weather, medical school, whatever else except mentioning that my fingers are thrust within her, reaching for her womb, stretching to identify all the organs I can before the polite (if there can be such an animal) amount of time has passed and I should remove my latex covered hand when she says "oh - that's my ovary" and I nod in assent and embarrassment since while she is used to this as a professional patient (as we call them), I am less comfortable with her body than she is with having me inside her and old mcdonald was the pope, E I E I O which implies there's more than one way to scrape the lips off a bear, even in the midst of a holiday stampede of corpses go shoot your M16 go shoot your M16 go shoot your M16 go shoot your M16 i'm not gonna live your american dream army life is right for me kill to save democracy got a rebel in my sights money means more than his life savings, or his forty acre-feet of mule droppings, but Hello everyone! Hey guys from Connecticut. How are you all doing? i wonder what the future holds for me, you, everyone will it be exciting & adventurous? or maybe dull & boring who knows? if you are not listening to me i might as well just PUT THAT DAMN PERIOD THERE! i get moody sometimes, sorry so i think it will be a fun time many new inventions and projects but i think that all those people in the west will kill all the dogs or or or or or or maybe we will be destroyed by the dogs so that they will create a canine continent by the way, can we put abrieviations with periods? am i insane, we will never ever know no one will oh, BRAINSTORM, yeah, i got it, the dogs will gang up with the rats and all of the other endangered species and rebell against us, with poisins! well anyway, E-MAIL ME AT VEBW23B (on prodigy) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJI NEED SOME R-E-S-P-E-C-T! AROUND HERE four score and 7 years ago i quit my damn job attempted suicide and now i am writing and talking to myself damnit to hell! i have no life do i? I AM J, conqueror of the world/ oh, did i tell you i have multiple personalities? i am a lunitic from hell/ i have also been possesed by the devil/ DON'T MIND ME/ that's not very funny/ stop laughing before i jumpo outo ofo thiso damno computero and on to oblivion as the universe fades and chocolate reigns as the replacement for reason and in the twentyfirst century one hopes that misery, bigotry, killings, hatred, etc, etc, etc, disappear and there is only love manifest in all living creatures and there are close interactions between creatures as is depicted in this moth and its host and lets not put any periods on this sentence as long as there is nastiness still left Bugs Bunny's minions are tearing away at the social fabric of our culture as I sit here typing away in seemin indifference to the chaos going on behind me on the television and yet I am able to tune it all out as so many of us already have and pretend that it is not even occuring, when we are all too aware that it IS occurring and I am simply tired of tuning out and still you ask yourself "Who is this nothing?" and I reply " I am Matt in California, typing away while Bugs Bunny and his minions eat away at our nation's moral fiber, but I am not saying censorship is good, but rather quite the oposite", and in the words of the esteemed Mr. Emerson, "Your is GLORIOUS country, Honeychurch", and thus give yourself 500 BONUS points if you recognize that obscure reference because I am definitly a Merchant/Ivory fan and also a fan of Forster, any of you others out there? I hope so HELP, I AM DROWING IN A SEA OF WORDS AND FIGURES AND MESSAGES AND DOUBLE ENTENDRES AND HIDDEN MEANINGS SO DEEP I CANNOT FIND MY WAY OUT TO A SIMPLE MEANINGLESS PHRASE BLUB BLUB BLUB DOWN DOWN DOWN but at once I am saved by that which once I feared, The Almighty Lord who can only be the one to rescue us all, but if you choose to , because he has already chosen you, just ask and he will forgive everything you have done which is against Him, any sinful nature you have will be washed away, Just tell Him that you need Him, and you want to be clean, and He will throw your sin as far as the East is from the West, your eternity depends on it..... and not only that, but it so happens that the instigation of the propogation of the insipidity was as absurd as this fragment of inintelligble English, as a second language, dispensed without undue rancor, but not without a certain lack of insight into the illusory nature of objective reality and so let's just say "go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and far away, go tell it on the mountain, that jesus christ is gay", in other words I am sitting here with my little brother in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania exploring the internet for the first time together Ok and I promise I won't mention water, puke, snakes, or any other countries in the world and if that makes me feel any better I might even write something that actually communicates something to some other person but i'm not making any promises here and i hope you fully understand that because if i did i think i might feel compromised and then that would sap my creativity totally, totally, and then I sould hasolutely nothinng worth doing in the world left to me and that is truly a very depressing thought almost as much as other thoughts I can think of but don't feel like discussing right now even though I am starting to feel a little bit in the mood to do this hit of acid, and walk out into the surf, where raw sewage mingles with the flotsam left behind by dying coral reefs, and extinct fish have a nice day supping the marrow of the sacred bloated sparrow (oh, what a salacious treat!), far from the blistered eyes of the secretary of steaks who is attempting to moisten my ancestors with a bevy of wax beagles, so My boss is an ASSHOLE, MAHA BONE, It takes a BIG dog to weigh a ton, DINK is the greatest band in the world! They kick ass, ya ya huh huh they kick ass! SPOCK THE COMPUTER DESTROY IT...... whenever that whatever unnerves the rigid dorsal fin of the rigorous dolphin flogging and underutilized rubric of betrend russell's love affair with valerie eliot (much to the chagrin of old possum), there tends to be an equal but opposite retrenchement, an overutilization of the privatized experience of the published word without end which therefore can be no word, that is to say, in the wordsx of the great poet and situation comedian suzanne somers, "birds/ flowers / and the smell of cut grass", this is the emancipatory potential of poetry today, and it is embedded not in language bu;t in the wayward thrust of the aforementioned dolphin (if I may be permitted to say such obvious things) so I touched her thigh and death had a heart attack Hello, my name is Simon, and I like to do drawrings I refuse to be stuck in the middle of a huge suffocating paragraph I... I... I, I refuse to be stuck in the middle of a huge, suffocating paragraph Hi Babe, you know who you are! "I Love YOU"! when one wanders one wonders about stuff such as what it is that one always is doing even when one is underneath, in-between, and finally, totally withall and thruout, as in just before this, during this and both at once, if you catch the drift of this one: namely: all this stuff--high and low, in and out, up and down, now and then---IS one, not a modification of one, but ONE; suddenly one can be a body, one can appear somewhere, one can incarnate, one can do anything; ALL this stuff is one and at the same time it is not one---it doesn't make any difference!!---it is this, everything is this, this one Reality---it is One!---it happens, it doesn't happen, it's bad, it's good---it does not make any difference whatsoever; and one persists in this realization because there is nothing beyond it: one cannot leap into some consciouness that is not it because one was there just a moment ago!!---so now one's enjoyment has no definiton whatsoever, no destiny, no relationship to anything; it cannot be specified and it cannot be isolated; it cannot be separated out; it is not an alternative to anything; everything continues to happen, everything becomes oneself, everything is happy, everything is marvelous; and this enjoyment is the grounds for absolute dissolution in which nothing else occurs; one does not go anywhere, life does not become blank; things continue to happen; but one's realization becomes completely unspeakable; and beyond that realization, nothing may be said, nothing may be defined, no destiny may be described, no work one does may be described, nothing may be said about it at all; everything happens perfectly from that moment, and nothing may be said about it that makes any sense whatsoever; and all those who enjoy such realization and who appear in any manifest plane are stuck in the paradox of that enjoyment; they cannot make any sense of it really; they do the best they can to try to establish this enjoyment in others through all kinds of weirdo influences; they try to make sense, but they do not make sense; the work of such individuals is not really descriable, but it is the most perfect and specific and necessary activity in all the manifest worlds; it is this work, it is this--- when one wanders one wonders about stuff such as what it is that one always is doing even when one is underneath, in-between, and finally, totally withall and thruout, as in just before this, during this and both at once, if you catch the drift of this one: namely: all this stuff--high and low, in and out, up and down, now and then---IS one, not a modification of one, but ONE; suddenly one can be a body, one can appear somewhere, one can incarnate, one can do anything; ALL this stuff is one and at the same time it is not one---it doesn't make any difference!!---it is this, everything is this, this one Reality---it is One!---it happens, it doesn't happen, it's bad, it's good---it does not make any difference whatsoever; and one persists in this realization because there is nothing beyond it: one cannot leap into some consciouness that is not it because one was there just a moment ago!!---so now one's enjoyment has no definiton whatsoever, no destiny, no relationship to anything; it cannot be specified and it cannot be isolated; it cannot be separated out; it is not an alternative to anything; everything continues to happen, everything becomes oneself, everything is happy, everything is marvelous; and this enjoyment is the grounds for absolute dissolution in which nothing else occurs; one does not go anywhere, life does not become blank; things continue to happen; but one's realization becomes completely unspeakable; and beyond that realization, nothing may be said, nothing may be defined, no destiny may be described, no work one does may be described, nothing may be said about it at all; everything happens perfectly from that moment, and nothing may be said about it that makes any sense whatsoever; and all those who enjoy such realization and who appear in any manifest plane are stuck in the paradox of that enjoyment; they cannot make any sense of it really; they do the best they can to try to establish this enjoyment in others through all kinds of weirdo influences; they try to make sense, but they do not make sense; the work of such individuals is not really descriable, but it is the most perfect and specific and necessary activity in all the manifest worlds; it is this work, it is this--- when one wanders one wonders about stuff such as what it is that one always is doing even when one is underneath, in-between, and finally, totally withall and thruout, as in just before this, during this and both at once, if you catch the drift of this one: namely: all this stuff--high and low, in and out, up and down, now and then---IS one, not a modification of one, but ONE; suddenly one can be a body, one can appear somewhere, one can incarnate, one can do anything; ALL this stuff is one and at the same time it is not one---it doesn't make any difference!!---it is this, everything is this, this one Reality---it is One!---it happens, it doesn't happen, it's bad, it's good---it does not make any difference whatsoever; and one persists in this realization because there is nothing beyond it: one cannot leap into some consciouness that is not it because one was there just a moment ago!!---so now one's enjoyment has no definiton whatsoever, no destiny, no relationship to anything; it cannot be specified and it cannot be isolated; it cannot be separated out; it is not an alternative to anything; everything continues to happen, everything becomes oneself, everything is happy, everything is marvelous; and this enjoyment is the grounds for absolute dissolution in which nothing else occurs; one does not go anywhere, life does not become blank; things continue to happen; but one's realization becomes completely unspeakable; and beyond that realization, nothing may be said, nothing may be defined, no destiny may be described, no work one does may be described, nothing may be said about it at all; everything happens perfectly from that moment, and nothing may be said about it that makes any sense whatsoever; and all those who enjoy such realization and who appear in any manifest plane are stuck in the paradox of that enjoyment; they cannot make any sense of it really; they do the best they can to try to establish this enjoyment in others through all kinds of weirdo influences; they try to make sense, but they do not make sense; the work of such individuals is not really descriable, but it is the most perfect and specific and necessary activity in all the manifest worlds; it is this work, it is this--- lawrence my lips susan my spleen bobby my bones jennifer my jugular laurie my lung jean my genes fonda my face spenser my spine a thrust, of course, that threatens the thick-headed Thatcherismic discursive diatribe that unxiously oozes from every right-wing political nostril on earth--there's your dorsal fin, there's your amphibious rectum pinching shut at the pressure of another piece of wayward but (pre)determined hex-0-philic shitball that comes down the proverbial pike (or marlin, or, to return to our origins, dolphin, which is, as everyone knows, both organism and machine, hyperintelligent, social(ist) and well on their way to conquering and colonizing the entire know watery universe--their duchy situated at the center of the earth where particularly heat-resistant members of the species (members who've been lab grown through a secret project partially funded by YOUR tax dollars that has perfected a system of dolphin eugenics-- Senator Exon swallows it It took a long time to get to this point where I can add to this tome and I am not sure it is worth it Rosebud I love being able to surf on the Internet, but every time I do it occurs to me that there are more worthwhile ways to spend time - reading a good book, baking a loaf of bread, making my own wine, cleaning my house, doing the laundry, cleaning the garage, vacuuming out my car, planting new shrubs, calling a friend or a relative WHEN DID YOU LAST CALL YOUR MOTHER, listen to Fresh Air and All Things Considered or As It Happens or read a book by Wallace Steger, but it is nice to have this option otherwise I might not consider all the things to do that are even more fun! Rosebud How do you like to go up in a swing? Up in the air so ..(I just can't remember... so long ago .... :( Why does the world hate fat people so Why is it OK to ridicule fat people, but you are a racist or anti-woman if you ridicule those groups How come health insurance plans will pay for alcoholics and drug addicts to get treatment, but not for fat people to get thin Why do people take a great idea like this sentence and then ruin it with garbage Why ask why when the world whirls me around until I'm too dizzy to see his face and then I fall down, and the dizziness subsides and all at once I see him coming into focus, smiling, warm, so very real, and I start flying up in the ha ha hoo hoo and hee hee. yee-haw i am finaly here and i don't care one little drop if the information i am revealing is being viewed by a third party i mean come on if i don't want to capitalize my i's, why sould i have to, on my home computer, it is impossible to have i's stand alone in LOWER CASE,now don't you think that is a little bit restricting? i'm so close to the end of one line heck i might as well just finnish it up let's talk french On ne vois qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux this is so very gratifying i think i could do this for ever for ever for ever and ever and ever and ever and evver eeeevvvveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroi oi hoi did you know that "hoi" means "hi" in dutch? if you don't wish to believe that is ok too ha ha hoo hoo and hee hee. yee-haw i am finaly here and i don't care one little drop if the information i am revealing is being viewed by a third party i mean come on if i don't want to capitalize my i's, why sould i have to, on my home computer, it is impossible to have i's stand alone in LOWER CASE,now don't you think that is a little bit restricting? i'm so close to the end of one line heck i might as well just finnish it up let's talk french On ne vois qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux this is so very gratifying i think i could do this for ever for ever for ever and ever and ever and ever and evver eeeevvvveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroi oi hoi did you know that "hoi" means "hi" in dutch? if you don't wish to believe that is ok too but can anything happen in a white shirt, seriously folks, foghorns bleating, my dog on my lap, The Sound of Music on the VCR -- these are a few of my favorite things Roses and Iris and lillies, daisies and hollyhocks and pansies under silver skies beside green rivers where salmon cruise just under the shimmering surface ,n888888n, .8888888888b 888888888888nd8P~''8g, 88888888888888 _ `'~\. .n. `Y888888888888. / _ |~\\ (8"8b ,nnn.. 8888888b. | \ \m\|8888P ,d8888888888888888b. \8b|.\P~ ~P8~ 888888888888888P~~_~ `8B_| | ~888888888~'8' d8. ~ _/ ~Y8888P' ~\ | |~|~b,__ __--~ --~~\ ,d8888888b.\`\_/ __/~ \_ d88888888888b\_-~8888888bn. \8888P "Y888888888888"888888bn. /~'\_"__) "d88888888P,-~~-~888 / / ) ~\ ,888888/~' / / / 8' .-( / / / |) )-----------(/ ~ / / |---. ______ | ( ' /_/ (__/ / |_______ \ | (_(_ ( /~ THE END \___/_/' | / \ | | / / (________________________________________) \ /__________) __--|~mb ,g8888b. (__________\ _/ 8888b(.8P"~'~---__ / ~~~| / ,/~~~~--, `\ ( ~\,_) (/ ~-_`\ \ -__---~._ \ ~\\ ( )\\ )) `\ ) "-_ `| \__ __/ ~-__ __--~ ~~"~ ~~~ YA KNOW -- I JUST FINIDHED BROWSING ON THIS EPIC THERE IS NO EXIT -- I FEEL I NEED RELIEF -- THANKS TO THE HYPERLINKS I GOT OUT!!!!!! WE NEED SELF DISCPLINE (spell help) WE NEED ORDER TO THIS ENDLESS RAMBLING THIS IS ART i know BUT WHAT IS ART IF IT IS THIS !!!! THINK ABOUT IT -- now -- okay the pigeons are taking a lunch break comparing crumbs and trading stories of the day's adventures including a story of poor stan who was accidentally run over by a Hugo to the salvatore: your cruelty will never cease to surprise and amaze me, when you are finally released from your self-absorption, you will look around for those people that you used to know, you will find that you have hurt them too much, and when you start to cry because you are all alone, i won't be there to the salvatore: your cruelty will never cease to surprise and amaze me, when you are finally released from your self-absorption, you will look around for those people that you used to know, you will find that you have hurt them too much, and when you start to cry because you are all alone, i won't be there so i'm sitting in a room with this crazy hyperactive chic who is roaming about in search of what she considers the secret of the universe and she exclaims, "motherfucker!!", why is it such a human notion to find that which we do not have; human beings insist on searching and searching and searching, but what for and so she continues in search of what she truly cannot find, "it's the end of the world as we know it..." MAN SEEKING WOMAN. I am tall, slender, dashing. Some say my skin is red but I say it just glows with health. Some detect heat near me, but I say it's just warmth. Now the fact is I can get you anything you wish. Name it. What do I want in return? Beauty, wit, desire to please, all these things, yes. But I am more spiritual than almost any other Personal ad on this evolving Sentence. Give me-- I mean show me--your Soul. It is Divine Beauty I am after, not a vulgar prize of any kind. Post your phone number here and I'll call! Then and only then I will tell you who I am. GODDESS SEEKING MAN. Yes, you know me. You probably saw me floating on that half shell when you took Art History I. From time to time I see my lovely profile used by various commercial firms in their ads. I don't mind this. If my beauty can inspire the world to a higher purpose, so be it. But the fact is...I am lonely. To be constantly perched on a pedestal over a 1000-year span is...a form of denial. Hey. If I could touch your hand right now it would mean more than all the praise of the centuries. So list your phone number and you'll hear from perhaps the prize female of the ages. What is my name? Tut, tut, you don't think you will get the prize without any effort at all, do you? Let's just say my name begins with one of the last letters in the alphabet. Turn you on? Then REPLY , give me your em or your phone here, on this Sentence and get ready ... And so Joe called her to dinner but there was no response at all even considering the fact that the phone had been repaired just three days earlier during that sudden rain storm that flooded the field as well as Joe's mind with fresh thoughts of life and its meaning which really meant little to Joe Did it really matter that Room 13 wouldn't be ready for months even though others at the school were enjoying the fruits of new construction not to Joe it didn't after all he was the one with the phone problems and he still couldn't get her to dinner ,to which i must add"don't ever fuck a cop's wife" Whereas Chuck Jones would follow his own lead by breaking every rule he had strived to master, Avery and Freleng decided to stick to their strengths, instead concentrating on how to better hone the timing and humor of their works, whilst maintaining their foundations. and what can we learn from this boys and girls--UNDER THE RUG IS A BAD PLACE TO HIDE A GUN--Lo, there is a wolf at the door Just remember, when pondering the world today, or the world of our future, No Matter Where You Go - There You are...Even Mr. Spock can't get you out of that one ...they're GERMS, they deserve to die... KILL THE BITCH! And the sky was filled with emerald disks, and the stars were just like little fish,,,, I sit in my room at night with my curtains drawn closed an my door shut tight, I got my needle, and I got my spoon and I'm gonna lay it out on a picture of you/// When the needle goes in my vain I feel the power and the glory, and a little pain, I used to have a friend alot like you,, Party on WAYNE, Ya Party on Garth! This mouse like sucks!! Do you know what the qeers are doing to the soil? and hello, here is my addition to the world's first collaborative sentence, yes me, Glenn Kurtzrock, in my first bid for immortality, having my name appear in this humongous sentence, whoop-de-doo if we workers take a notion we can stop all speeding trains every ship upon the ocean we can tie with mighty chains every wheel in the creation every mine and every mill fleets and armies of all nations will at our command stand still- Joe Hill I distinctly recall that day on the train when the two who hated each other almost came to blows because one was annoying the other and the other blew up with rage which came about because of the criticism of one for the other so that there could be no escaping the need for possible violence which was avoided successfully by the fortunate closing of the doors just after one of the two men walked off but almost returned after spat at and so it ended peacefully CAN WE SUCCEED Is there ever going to be a time in the human existence that humans can get along with each other without the violence of being nasty and absurd to each other all for the ridiculous goal of proving nothing as it all ends in death anyway which is a end in and of itself and which is the equivalent of having never been BORN so what is the purpose of all this violence


God said while reading this sentence In the year 2000, I hope some of us will still be listening to J.S. Bach's The Art of Fugue, for this represents the true beginning of the musical adventure... So see Dick run and see Jane jump and see both of them grow old together and die. The dangerous after effects of psychotic rampaging devour the inner soul of all people with ducks I want my sons to know the comfort of brotherhood and the joy of love is this the collective unconscious? I have a message: this planet is the only place we can live, and it is dying because of us Good Morning everyone. It is Monday, April 17, 1995, the day after Easter which is the time of renewal and new birth. Let's all commit at least one random act of kindness today. Where can peace and love in the world start except in each of us. Rosebud mouth encircles the periods at the ends of all the preceding "sentences" thereby hopefully negating them; suck hard, Rosebud, make them go away Why don't pigs fly, the damned little bacon strips should be gratified with the gift of flight why don't eggs sprout legs, hum dinglee-dee dumptee here, whoops I'm falling... Mr. Williams' contemperary issues class loves computers and loves current events (there's supposed to be something more important here in this particular space... but it's gone) Hello this is Rob I play the drums and I would like to submit something I can't use the period so I sound like as if I am in first grade but actually I am a freshman at Denbigh High School in Newport News, VA as if you cared, but, hey, why not I sound dumb... sometime I will send in a piece of my drumming or maybe even some work on the marimba or vibes or something ok it's time for me to go now, I just got home from a long trip from Nags Head (today is Monday 4-17-95) and i have to go again to staunton, va for nother three hours i'm just stopping at home to rest ok now i really have to go GOOD BYE!!! Oops, the preceding is meaningless! i think everything is meaningless and i think that we don't have a clue about anybody else and if you think you do then you're just a fool and i wish everyone would stop hurting me because i'm tired of it and i want it to stop, don't you and i'm scared to go away but i can't stay here anymore because you think you know me but that is a bunch of bullshit because you don't have a clue all you see is Plato and Aristotle and the crucifixion in everything we read they aren't there they aren't there they aren't everything we are everything but we are meaningless and so are they THIS "SENTENCE" PROVES THAT PEOPLE WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SAY USUALLY SAY IT. IS THERE INTELLIGENT LIFE OUT THERE???? ...and I agree with what that person said the other day, like I said "VOLVOS ARE THE BEST CAR IN THE WORLD, I have 4" and then she said "you know Ebooz Ozqdsrjx, nothing beats a VOlvo whose radio is tuned to HOWARD STERN" and then I muttered under my breath "except for a prom date that I need coming up", (June 22 e-mail at In this world of fear and anger and very little peace of mind we find a respite, a place to dwell and send our love and good thoughts to our brothers and sisters across the miles, many of whom may need this love, these good thoughts more than we do.. .. I am happy to send, willing to receive technolove and webpeace In this world of fear and anger and very little peace of mind we find a respite, a place to dwell and send our love and good thoughts to our brothers and sisters across the miles, many of whom may need this love, these good thoughts more than we do.. .. I am happy to send, willing to receive technolove and webpeace ***********************************WHY DO PEOPLE WRITE ON WALLS? DON'T THEY HAVE REAL PEOPLE TO TALK TO?*********************** and then there was my dog named polak, he was a vegetable and lied to watch Mash marathons about Jessie is a fox, I think she is the most beautiful thing in the world, but life is unfair and I am going to Indiana University next year life should be worry free with levels of pollution falling The tides receive the moon's persistence so high, I don't know how; the sea it gives her no resistance but the earth will not allow... GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. TODAY IS APRIL 18, 1995. IT IS RAINING HERE IN THE MIDWEST BUT IT IS STILL A GREAT NEW DAY. GOD BLESS ALL WHO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SENTENCE TODAY <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> oh, heidie, heidie hee, WHO hit nellie in the bellie with a flounder? twasn't me, but my generation gets blamed, my generation gets blamed for everything, and we cant even vote yet, you think we carry guns to school, but we carry books and hopes and aspirations, to be doctors lawyers and indian chiefs, and once we have done that, we will look down on all the new brats and mock them and mock their music, because what goes around comes around and gets passed on once more, in this world of greyest apathy and desparir, we, the under age, are the ones who get cut; from the budget, from the decision making process, from pop-culture in general, we are not bemoaning our so called lives, "Like I wish there was like this like button in my head so I could stop saying dumb things around Jordan Catilano" we are all embarassed, embarased embarassed etc and we're not gonna take it anymore, like Pumsey the demonic puppet that was persecuted by the republicans, WE WILL FIGHT! armed with twinkees and Judy Blume books and the rebellion will be lead by the kids with the most toys, even little GI JOE with his one arm will get to fight and fight and fight, and then we will all go to college, this is the way the world ends this is the way the world ends the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper, and ask yourself WOULD you swim in a vat of fecal remnants for a basket of ripe strawberries? would you? the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything is, is, is, 42; Live long and prosper I once took a stab in the dark, and killed my mother It was an accedent of course but I still got sent to my room Life as we know it will be not what we think it is today but something totally different and we will be totally gone or will we and then once the sun explodes and little green taodies come flying out we will smile and say hey it's raining and the and then and then we will grow, grow larger than any thing anyone has ever seen and when we do we will get really happy because the entire world will be big, bigger than life, and when we get this way I will be gone so it is your responsibility to keep me informed, dammit, it is your responsibility to tell me for I will be gone so far away no one can find me for I am on that journey now and I and I am so perfectly happy that I am about to cry for we will all be one at last in this one big sentence {*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*} on a day like today, so beautiful and glorious a dinasour showed up and smiled!!! o beauty! and ahab ran away, o coward! hello joshua and adios ok ok ok ok i say ok & ok some more & more & more forever more onward, upward, inward, hypertextword great..too bad I'm always a playground instructor, never a killer rather artsy wouldn't you say.. come into Crowley's closet but don't fall into the abyss... HI DAVE,SUE,KEVIN AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU SHOWED ME THAT ARTICLE??MY NAME IS JEAN CIEMNIECKI AND PLEASE DON'T TRY TO PRONOUNCE IT!!I GUESS MY 15 MINUTES OF FAME ARE ALMOST UP SO I WON'T WRITE IN CAPS ANYMORE there that's better well I suppose that's all i'll say todaywon't you be please won't you be my neighbor, Hi neighbor! there's a nurse in there with a really big needle, and she wants to stick it in YOU, my God WHY WHY WHY?!! it's so unfair; people are such cruel, stupid pigs: rewards are handed out in inverse proportion to a person's gentleness at first i thought this was kinda a lot of people getting off on their own cleverness and artistic bent, but then i decided that it was interesting nonetheless, so here's my piddling contribution that will hopefully be a clear thought for some other poor fool who scrolls down the whole thing to read :) :) :) : ) therefore nothing is more relaxing then marking another day as complete in our cold existance and how about this, that makes us strong but doesn't lead to any desired results other than being endlessly engagedin acts of violence and braindeaddening experiences? who will ever break the spirit and so the power of those cipollas out there who want our blood but only get it by us allowing them ther most intimate path into the virginity of our souls;no we are not innocent, that by definition does not go, but an attempt must be made to reach a higher level of sophistication, now that we are entering this new millenium, for whatever reason, and now think and talk and write and make love to those that don;'t and won;t destaroy you, as you are the temple of all that is good and beautiful, but be careful not to fall into the pit of the dragons which have been after us forever, and now complete this project by launching a thousand ships with yer face; close your eyes and push real hard with your nose up against the first ship in the conga line, and get used to it, 'cause there's 999 more left after this one fnord I have nothing to say and I am saying it with this But it is not the reality that places us here, it is the sense of being that defines who and what we are If there were no "us"thre would be no reality

The marking is marked up; She still lookas as if she is cold, but yet she never knew thr truth; The more she crossed the line, the less it counted; She looks too good; She can't be true; Even in the blazing light of midday she maintains here dark little truths; I just love all my bullshit. See The Rulers of The Earth!

Uhh... Melissa McKraney rules or something; This senentence tastes great and is less filling; 1,000,000 bottles of beer on the wall; 1,000,000 bottles of beer on the wall; Take one down pass it around; 999,999 bottles of beer on the wall;

And if you save you friends, You will make him happy MOM and DAD when to a show, they dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's \___/ I saw a shooting star and I wished on it but I didn't get my wish to the salvatore: you know, you jusst wouldn't know what orgasmic screaming is like i find your so-called passion false and shallow your arrogance is no longer amusing we've all read the text, we don't need to hear you read it again you just like to hear the sound of your own voice when something seems to you it probably doesn't seem to anybody else really really Candy is cool not the kind of candy we eat but the Candy that is sitting at the computer next to me and I bumped her mouse while I was reading this sentence to see what was new and I said sorry and she told me not to apologize and I think that more people should be like that because we don't really deserve anything oh did you think you deserved something like love or a job because you don't, you know, and I will keep on saying sorry to Miss Candy because she doesn't expect me to and now she's clapping because I told her I'm going to put her in THE SENTENCE but I'll let her decide I am having a very strange day a very strange day indeed ...THE HORSEMEN DESCENDED FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP INTO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE NATION, FIRST WAR INTO ITHACA, NEXT PLAGUE INTO D.C., THEN DEATH INTO DAVIS, FINALLY FAMINE INTO W.C. AND TOGETHER THEY MEET TO PREY UPON THE WEAK AND STRONG, POOR AND NOBLE, FOR THEIR WILL CANNOT BE BROKEN, THEIR HUNGER NEVER SATISFIED... ...THE HORSEMEN DESCENDED FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP INTO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE NATION, FIRST WAR INTO ITHACA, NEXT PLAGUE INTO D.C., THEN DEATH INTO DAVIS, FINALLY FAMINE INTO W.C. AND TOGETHER THEY MEET TO PREY UPON THE WEAK AND STRONG, POOR AND NOBLE, FOR THEIR WILL CANNOT BE BROKEN, THEIR HUNGER NEVER SATISFIED... ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. IT IS APRIL 19, 1995, A CLEAR DAY HERE IN THE MIDWEST. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! I DON'T UNDERSTAND VERY MUCH OF THIS SENTENCE~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~ ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. IT IS APRIL 19, 1995, A CLEAR DAY HERE IN THE MIDWEST. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! I DON'T UNDERSTAND VERY MUCH OF THIS SENTENCE~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~ yeah, that's understandable, there's a lot of horse shit in here, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself... Today is the first day in the life of a crow somewhere Mi ma muse ˆ moi, je t'embrasse Insomniaque petit pome Žcrit en rvant ˆ toi J'aime quand tes yeux vert-amour me tiennent par la main Et quand tes cheveux sont dans les miens Tu es debout sur mes paupires Amie-amante-abricot Ivre de vivre, de rve avec toi Maison marine emplie de lumire ardoise Enfin, je veux te dire, qu'il est doux de t'aimer I HAVE A VOICE! I AM SOME ONE! I EXIST! HEAR ME ROAR! I AM afraid to say If women were as fun to play with as my basketball I could live as a much happier individual I do appreciate the fact that my parents are wonderful people on the inside it just seems that they are so flaky to the outside world when you consider that my life as a basketball has been so rewarding just the other day i was able to bounce myself right over The walls,,,,OH MY GOD,,,,,,,THE WALLS,,,,,PLEASE, make it stop,,,I CAN'T TAKE IT,,,,someone please help me,,,OH LORD,,they're falling,,,,I cant get out,,,please, somebody,,,,I can't hear,,,WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME,,,,HELP ME,,,My eyes,,,,NO,,NOT MY EYES TOO,,,WHY ME, LORD,,,WHAT HAVE I DONE,,,can't anyone hear me,,,where did you go,,,THIS ISN'T FAIR, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME,,,please, make them stop,,,where are you,,,I can't see you,,,,I cant hear you,,,I feel you,,,Thank You The walls,,,,OH MY GOD,,,,,,,THE WALLS,,,,,PLEASE, make it stop,,,I CAN'T TAKE IT,,,,someone please help me,,,OH LORD,,they're falling,,,,I cant get out,,,please, somebody,,,,I can't hear,,,WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME,,,,HELP ME,,,My eyes,,,,NO,,NOT MY EYES TOO,,,WHY ME, LORD,,,WHAT HAVE I DONE,,,can't anyone hear me,,,where did you go,,,THIS ISN'T FAIR, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME,,,please, make them stop,,,where are you,,,I can't see you,,,,I cant hear you,,,I feel you,,,Thank You but then I had to go off to the market, and the dog, which remained by itself, perished slowly and painfully, but back to where I was before, now, and all that... {@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}{@}GOOD MORNING EVERYONE - TODAY IS APRIL 20, 1995, THE DAY AFTER THE BOMBING OF THE FEDERAL BUILDING IN OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. WE HOPE THE PERPETRATORS ARE FOUND. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= |^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^ and this section is written by thewitch, who has been wandering the net for weeks, and just stumbled upon this sentence and wanted to put her two cents in, we are again, the Enigma and the Dejablue, once again contemplating the state of the world, the state of various picnic tables, parks, rivers, people emerging from woods where there are no paths, dryness, play areas, farm tours, historical areas, gardens...where is the river, anyway?...and now on to something completely different..... but, not before remembering could we ever forget?? Lynn Weaver ThE EYES NoT THE EYES look... SEE?! No... I don't. just as Noam Chomsky claimed, the infinite capacity for creating long and longer sentences is one of the defining characteristics of human pwoess with language Hi my name is Brad Anthony Thompson I was born on May 26, 1978 Today I am 16 I go to school in Valmeyer, Il so write to me cause i want another cute guy like me to go to bed with and then we would $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$human pwoess???????????????????????????????? what is that?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: so here i am sitting on the edge of infinity with one foot in the future and my ass in the present, in a sling, but i can't help feeling a perverse hope or a song in my soul (though the real question is, do we really have souls, and of course, we don't find out until the physical body is dead) cynical though i may be i must reserve a section of myself for mysticism, i believe that is important that mysticism must not die with the coming of the hyper-rational age, if you will -- what i mean by that is the so-called information age, or the technological age, whatever the hell you want to call it we must not let our belief systems die (and i'm not really talking religiously here, though if you want to take it that way that's fine); no, belief system in the way that we believe in the tooth fairy or santa claus or whatever our imaginations can drag up -- IMAGINATION MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO WITHER AWAY INTO NOTHINGNESS -- and that is what i have to say ................................................................yes we do have souls and we know now because of creativity and imagination and our ability to create things we cannot manage such as the internet or explosives or any kind of art............................................. hello gorgeous... i'm a man who's secretly in love with you; i've been watching you day by day, and i can't hold it in any longer; my passion for you is deep as the sea, my love as vast as the horizon; haven't you noticed me? i'm very near by; i love to surround you with my presence; you fill me with such longing... such desire... i can't wait for you to write back; please do; to hear your voice, even throught this crude computer medium will make my life bearable, for you are the flower of my life... with volumptuous passion and love, your sugarmama... so I looked around, and it was all exactly as I'd always imagined it would be This is a typically--yea, particulalry--assinine attempt artsy-fartsily to say something meaningful practically to no one; but, indulge yourself, that's what art and the Web are for. Thanks to my dearest Kim, I finally found this page! "Evan Mullaney" from Providence, RI., writes: You guys seriously need to rethink this whole thing...who the hell is going to read this drivel

Hamlet the Acrobat

At the center the heart the deepest source the final judgment the future what its all about is love that uses arms or whatever we got by birth or life to lift up her or him or to help carry the baggage that is not mine but was left by the last one here until we find out we can do without and it is really just about us El mundo dejara de ser un lugar mas para sobrevivir cuando los que estan arriba de los que sufren volteen hacia abajo ..................................cyberspace is the new wasteland.............................THIS IS WHY RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE WANT THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS ABOLISHED............................... I am sitting here wasting valuable time contributing to the worlds longest and possibly stupidest sentence I need to get back to work so that some day I can get a job and earn a living obviously many of you do not have a job otherwise you would not also be wasting your time with this ridiculous bit of drivel we wish to type something stupid so we can help your sentence grow comet it makes your teeth turn green comet it tastes like gasoline comet it makes you vomit so take some comet and vomit today! A WOMAN I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE/STEPS FROM THE DARKNESS OF HER TOWNHOUSE DOOR/AT JUST THAT CRUX OF TIME WHEN SHE IS MADE/SO BEAUTIFUL THAT SHE OR TIME MUST FADE/WHAT USE TO CLAIM THAT AS SHE TUGS HER GLOVES/AND PHANTOM HERALDRY OF ALL THE LOVES/BLARES FROM THE LINTEL? THAT THE STAGGERED SUN/FORGETS, IN HIS CONFUSION, HOW TO RUN?/STILL, NOTHING CHANGES AS HER PERFECT FEET/ CLICK DOWN THE WALK THAT ISSUES IN THE STREET/LEAVING THE STATIONS OF HER BODY THERE/ AS A WHIP MAPS THE CONTOURS OF THE AIR richard wilbur, 1921 and of course i just wanted to add my silly little name to this sentence although it is meaningless in the scheme of things, but here it is anyway, Rich Maine, and i have nothing els to say about myself i suppose, but Nevertheless the Avatar has said: "Life is a game,play it Life is a challenge,meet it Life is a dream,realize it" last, a sensible statement--not many of those in this dumb sentence............................................................... ALL THINGS CONSIDERED IS ON - A GOOD PROGRAM FOR THE WRITERS OF THIS SENTENCE TO LISTEN TO - THEY WILL FIND OUT WHAT AN IDEA IS AND WILL GET A LESSON IN WHAT IS WORTH SAYING -- AND THEN IF THEY READ THIS SENTENCE THEY WILL GET AN IDEA OF WHAT IS NOT WORTH SAYING........................................ 8:51 4/20/95 i join the unending sentence, i join the web , my first time, but is an unending sentence ever turn into a story, no just history, i am part of history and no longer feel so all alone, but the anonimity, who reads this, responds, how many, unknown, mystery, safety, part of a larger whole, socialistic, i want to see, go beyond the sentence to be a part of this unending story, life even in its most intinmate moments is a kind of performance. WOWWWWWWWWWWWILUVTHIS so what's the problem, dd, it seems to be working fine WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! This is for Elaine Chan, who never knew that I liked her. I wish you had known and hopefully, you will find out someday. From JHC So I'm a punk because I used two periods, big deal, eat me will be a part of history and no one can stop me plus they can always remove the two periods yet when i think about it, i still love her a lot oh well, that's life, when will we ever die? should i put another period, i don't know: so i'll relay my message again Elaine Chan , I wish you knew how much I love you, we will go our own ways, but you're always in my heart. ok, satisified, i didn't use any periods, i'll write some more somee other time This is a poem for my Elaine from JHC Love by Unknown Did you ever love someone, but knew they didn't care?; Did you ever feel like crying, but knew you'd get no where?; Did you ever close your eyes and say a little prayer?; Did you ever look into their hearts and wish that you were there?; Did you ever watch them walk away, not wanting them to go?; Did you ever whisper, "I love you" and never let them know?; You cry all night in misery and almost go insane; There`s nothing in this whole wide world that causes so much pain; If I had a choice between life and death, I'd rather die; Love is wonderful, but hurts so much, the price to pay is high; And so I say, don't fall in love, you'll get hurt before it's through; You see I ought to know, I fell in love with you I found this poem, so whoever wrote is wonderful too from jojo H C Jason Loves Crystal Once you remember not to forget what to remember you cannot forget to remember what you remembered not to forget... SKOT FRED Cut your hair cut your hair to conform we all must conform there is a box in the box is a house my sister lives in such a dearth of realitybut the drought was really a draought and i couldnt understand a word of it but the longer i listened the more i ached for the box in a house in the closet languishing in the corner pointed cap burning cross light the night im on fire and so is the dog with the rose in its teeth comely and humbly singing this tune i love buffy Looks like it's a PERHAPS WE CAN NOW ASK, NOT ABOUT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A MODERN THEATER COULD BE FAITHFUL TO ARTAUD, BUT IN WHAT CASES IT IS SURELY UNFAITHFUL TO HIM WHAT MIGHT THE THEMES OF INFIDELITY BE, EVEN AMONG THOSE WHO INVOKE ARTAUD IN THE MILITANT AND NOISY FASHION WE ALL KNOW? WE WILL CONTENT OURSELVES WITH NAMING THESE THEMES WITHOUT A DOUBT, FOREIGN TO THE THEATER OF CRUELTY ARE: 1)ALL NON-SACRED THEATER 2)ALL THEATER THAT PRIVELEGES SPEECH OR RATHER THE VERB, ALL THEATER OF WORDS, EVEN IF THIS PRIVELEGE BECOMES THAT OF A SPEECH WHICH IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, WHICH ONCE MORE BECOMES THAT OF A SPEECH WHICH IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, WHICH ONCE MORE BECOMES GESTURE OF HOPELESS REOCCURENCE, A NEGATIVE RELATION OF SPEECH TO ITSELF, THEATRICAK NIHILISM, WHAT IS STILL CALLED THE THEATER OF THE ABSURD SUCH A THEATER WOULD NOT ONLY BE CONSUMED BY SPEECH, AND WOULD NOT DESTROY THE FUNCTIONING OF THE CLASSICAL STAGE, BUT IT WOULD ALSO NOT BE, IN THE SENSE UNDERSTOOD BY ARTAUD (AND DOUBTLESS BY NIETZSCHE), AN AFFIRMATION PERHAPS WE CAN NOW ASK, NOT ABOUT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A MODERN THEATER COULD BE FAITHFUL TO ARTAUD, BUT IN WHAT CASES IT IS SURELY UNFAITHFUL TO HIM WHAT MIGHT THE THEMES OF INFIDELITY BE, EVEN AMONG THOSE WHO INVOKE ARTAUD IN THE MILITANT AND NOISY FASHION WE ALL KNOW? WE WILL CONTENT OURSELVES WITH NAMING THESE THEMES WITHOUT A DOUBT, FOREIGN TO THE THEATER OF CRUELTY ARE: 1)ALL NON-SACRED THEATER 2)ALL THEATER THAT PRIVELEGES SPEECH OR RATHER THE VERB, ALL THEATER OF WORDS, EVEN IF THIS PRIVELEGE BECOMES THAT OF A SPEECH WHICH IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, WHICH ONCE MORE BECOMES THAT OF A SPEECH WHICH IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, WHICH ONCE MORE BECOMES GESTURE OF HOPELESS REOCCURENCE, A NEGATIVE RELATION OF SPEECH TO ITSELF, THEATRICAK NIHILISM, WHAT IS STILL CALLED THE THEATER OF THE ABSURD SUCH A THEATER WOULD NOT ONLY BE CONSUMED BY SPEECH, AND WOULD NOT DESTROY THE FUNCTIONING OF THE CLASSICAL STAGE, BUT IT WOULD ALSO NOT BE, IN THE SENSE UNDERSTOOD BY ARTAUD (AND DOUBTLESS BY NIETZSCHE), AN AFFIRMATION radical radish once told me, see as much of the world as you possibly can,unobligated, with not enough money, and get out there often as you can,regardless of the nay sayers oh how thy love thee for let me count the ways for if thy couldth thy wouldth but thy wouldth run out of fingers and toes ~bkb, the next ruler of this world Early in the day, after the's were not circling and buzzing around my head, after the heat of battle began to ebb, just before the sounding of binding before the lords and mastered arrive to settle all debts from the days fighting,I was able to rethink the course of my existance and to reconsider my offer to Stella--Stella is quite a vixen--I'll never forget our first meeting on 9th Street in Cleveland, as we appoach each othter on the street that afternoon--and to be honest--I did notice her, in fact she was just my type, but I degress, just as we approached I caught a glimpse of a sparke in her eye, I must have smiled, because just as I past I heard "Well the least you could do is say hello," she said as she cock her head just so, in that way that I would become so used to, In know time we were getting locked out of my appartment, traveling all over Northern Ohio, meeting her friends, meeting my friends, going to three rock concerts in one day and on and on and on, Stella was just my type, petit, like me, she soft brown skin and the most exotic green eyes, she worn her hair short which was unsual back in the 70s, and she was older than me, I was 19 and she was 23, how did we come from there to here, the war zone of MSAV, life with her had been good, that is until the 80s and then the 90s, no matter how much we tried our love for each other could not keep to world out and then when the bombings began we knew that neither of us would ever feel safe again, but really, who is to say whether or not they will come; certainly not I, for on the day of seven the truth shall be known: stabler than toothpaste left open, spilt upon rocks not dusty fog until periodic warmth, my name was greg until i found your house back in the trees, dark blue shade of lemonade truth ....................................................................FURTHER ALONG THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED by SCOTT PECK...............................................READ IT..........................IT WILL HELP!................................... still land sustainssometimes you turn a corner and an aspen tree or the shape of a cloud will knock you flat on your ass with a quick little uppercut you never in a million years expected, and you might burst into tears from the poetic hurt of it all ILL-PLACED, CENTER YOUR thought and when over cracked lesson learned as boring and not so the reason we sleep so early is written on the underside of this garden doorway laughable at that, much at that question of yours i'm centering my thoughts from across the hallway i'm aiming obtusely at your blue left eye i never remember, actually the color of anything playing sensibiblity now skipping bannisters from trained & perfect almost to phrases loudly knee in pain, the elevators static over there who is the guest and does it print your pictures of sleep to the second the voice i heard yesterday (then the decision) i have a feeling that you transcend graphs, numbers or decimal points buried twill steam the patterns in your voice, if patterns, are not QUICKLY FOUND NORMALS I'm Bored! Do you want to look at computers? Hubby Fuck me now! That's all folks,,,, and while still using his fingers as a tool with which to pry the aliens' brian from it's skull, he still managed to find the time to eat a sandwich with his thum, but without Annie,he couldn't after a long day overseeing legal theft and a sweaty arobic workout a thick slice of edam and a hickory farms smoked breakfast link does not quite make up for a drunken wife's snoring This is the Blow du Jour my ex won't move at least I think so Minha Patria e' como se nao fosse E' intima, docura e vontade de chorar E' minha Patria_ Por isso no exilio Assistindo dormir meu filho Choro de saudades de Minha Patria Se perguntarem o que e' minha Patria direi; Nao sei; de fato nao sei Como, quando e porque minha Patria Mas sei que minha Patria e' a luz o sal e a agua Que elaboram e liquefazem minnha magoa Em longas lagrimas amargas Vontade de beijar os olhos de minha Patria Acaricia-la, Passar-lhe a mao pelos cabelos De Minha Patria, minha patria sem sapatos E sem meias, Patria minha, tao pobrinha you keep my elephants out of the rain smooth mossy rocks by the lakeshore/b> Since that bozo didn't close their bold off, I wonder if I should so that the sentence is not bolded from here on out well here goes EvEr GeT a ScAr On YoUr FaCe AnD iT's ReAlLy NoTiCaBlE aNd EvErY oNe AsKs YoU wHaT iT iS oR dOeS tHiS oNlY hApPeN tO mE? why is this sentence here?has anyone one read all of it will it be published? |_|_|_|_| | 0 o | @| ^ |@ | ___ | | / \ | \_____/ The battle started again this morning, Stella still has not returned, she would not know to call me here, that was not a part of the plan or even considered, under the melting ice of her contemptuous glare, he kissed her tears away... but meanwhile things didn't go as planned because there were mountains of spilled paper clips all over my desk the cheap shot posse run this ship, with drew dogg, skinny D, and freddogg The clock on the wall was slow and the boy had a unit that was very long and he was up all night working on the unit Romantic in the Classical genre The Pope Plays Ball
Easy to see him in the Box Seats/ Even from way in the outfield bleachers/ His long white dress and censer/ Burning incense, wearing sunglasses/ With a nod of his huge white hat/ He blessed the players/ And gave some sign - The Cross?/ To say the game begins/ And then halfway through - funny/ I'd never have expected it/ The crowd roars as the figure in white/ Catapults over the fence/ Onto the field, swinging that censer/ Incense smoke pouring out behind him/ The Pope starts taking bases/ No one stops him from getting to First/ Then on to second, arms flailing/ (Did he fling that scepter as one does/ a used bat?) His hat flies off/ And sails like a pointy kite over the scoreboard/ They let him take third - how could/ They stop him? But someone/ (They still haven't caught the rascal, either)/ Decides to tag him out on his way home/ The Pope sees this coming, somehow/ And goes into a slide! His long white dress/ Puffs up with wind and inverts itself/ Over the Pope's head/ He's still sliding home / The crowd gasps, and half, raised Catholic/ Cover their eyes to avoid going blind/ Or having pubic hairs sprout from their eyeballs/ The sin of Witnessing the Pope's John Paul; The Pious Penis/ But there it was, for all to see/ Not a normal human members/ But a huge, purple, fleshy thing/ Like an octopus tentacle/ And it had wrapped itself around the scepter/ (Yes, there was that lost phallic wand)/ And, the Pontiff still sliding/ His third arm readied the rod to swing at the oncoming ball/ And CRACK! The impact knocked the scepter/ From his slippery grasp, but the/ Ball went flying The Pope got up and stood on home base,/ His tentacle, now free from the dress, pointing out the path of the Ball: Over the fence, home run/ Grendels are the way of the future; not Grendels like the cold-blooded killers, but Grendels like the kind who form a clan, a group, a family; I have seen the way, I have made the mark; I am Grendel? stapled, frozen was - which made me really wonder if the Winnipeg Jets would make the 1994-95 N.H.L. playoffs - what joy, what rapture --------------------------------every thing is frozen----not just the groung but the entire world is frozen------------------just like T S Elliot said "This is how the world ends-------This is how the world ends---- This is how the world ends-------Not with a bang but a whimper-----------" Not much can live in a frozen waste land know as the Earth----------The Mercurians said that themselves-------------BUt they will never forget the once famous wrestlers from Arapahoe Nebraska!!!!!!---------- --------------------------------every thing is frozen----not just the groung but the entire world is frozen------------------just like T S Elliot said "This is how the world ends-------This is how the world ends---- This is how the world ends-------Not with a bang but a whimper-----------" Not much can live in a frozen waste land know as the Earth----------The Mercurians said that themselves-------------BUt they will never forget the once famous wrestlers from Arapahoe Nebraska!!!!!!---------- it isn't so much look of it, I mean, you can sort of deal with that if you have to, just look away, but the sound of it, I mean it just keeps going on and and on and there's really nowhere to go to escape it because it's kind of hard to close your ears, you know so you just sort of have to listen to that incessant drone pickles and grease HAHAHAHA!!! I BROKE UP WITH YOU FIRST, BLAKE!!!!!! hehehe i just humiliated him hahaha this is from Kate we were coming back from the market in Red Oak, it was too many younsters in one car that summer, Donell was'nt the oldest, Speedy was...I remember time by the the music, that we were most likely jamming Sly or the Temptations or even Rare Earth, I think their...not I'm not going to try to name everyone, most families from around here were represented and maybe a few out of towners too, any way that damn Chevy had a 396 that was nothing but the truth, until we tried to pass that GTO, we were rolling down 43, just out side of Red Oak, happy and raising hell cause we two dollars in our pockets maybe, but Donell pulled out there to pass that GT O and guty driving was not about to give it up, that three nine six never back up, but neither did that GTO we were and did'nt believe we could die, so we enjoyed the ride, it was like hurling down those hills at Uncle Foster house, some how no one crashed into those two pines at the bottom of the old rail, I hope the gold miners that built them were at least that lucky, they did'nt find much gold or they'd still be there, but like I said that Goat would not back up, the 396 with all those young, dumb, reckless, kids was headed up that hill, When the oldest said, "back off man, we ain't gonna make it," ...somehow we go back on the right side of the road just as we crested the hill a log truck, fully loading was there too in a NandO second, has anyone seen Stella, I'm looking for her, and when the world decides to listen to the wind, it will hear it's own crying okay okay I never thought I would want to add to this fucking stupid sentance, but here I am I don't know how I ever got involved it was the maid, it was the butler in the living room with the rope,,,,colonel custard that is all from the west coast - the best coast Pacific Northwest se-a-ul is da shit bumba clat dem shitstem say Peter Tosh the kind brother gotototo go Tornados are coming good bye009090)()()()()(-)(:-) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I JUST FOUND THIS SENTENCE.......IT IS DUMB!........I DON'T KNOW ANYONE WHO TALKS LIKE THIS.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JUST LUCKY I GUESS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to college, and learn how to regurgitate on command, while simultaneously stroking her long, plastic penis Lay down your arms. I want you in mine. the magick in everybody,the power lies within "The aperture is completely irrelevant to the focal point when considering depth of field," she said but she was wrong he knew that she was wrong, but was too stubborn to admit it strutting around grumpily, as a manic depressant would, making a spring day a miserable one it shouldn't be miserable when you see people chit-chatting about the who's and what's of the popular avant garde music industry as its artists did, however, art is so plain these days, it's no longer an expression of one's significance but what the artists think they want to know it's wierd though because they don't know what they think they want to know, they just think they do if one can think, why then can he not express it seems that he should be able to do so yet he is trapped in his own intellectual declination it's a shame when such brilliance is lost simply because the people that think that they know what they think they want to know are deprived of knowing what they want to know it's all a play on words, the popular avant garde music industry, at least that's what most people think however, Rita of Applebaum Farms (PART ONE - winwarrj@vax-etown-edu -- periods are "-") in a Nando second near a bubbling, red hot lava flow oh shoot I think I'm having my . ................................................APRIL 28, 1995 - LET'S GET OUT OF THIS DUMB SENTENCE AND LISTEN TO PUBLIC RADIO'S ALL THINGS CONSIDERED...................... MY TONGUE DANGLES AS I AM DOGGEDLY TIRED FROM THIS WEE ADVENTURE NOW I ENTER THE SILLY VACUUM OF A WHIRLWIND MIND SERVE ME UP AND I HIT A HOMERUN Bonjour je suis Laurier Cote (excusez l'absence d'accents) et je suis un ecrivain quebecois, i can write in english too here is my email adress if someone want to talk about Quebec literature or anything! Si quelqu'un veut m'ecrire pour parler de litterature quebecoise ou de n'importe quoi je vais mettre ici mon adresse electronique et je ne repondrai pas aux connards I won't answer to any flamers or stupid people so here it is ready at your pen three two one voila, c'est fait! Je n'ai pas vu beaucoup de participation francophone a cette phrase es-ce parce que les francophones sont timides? I didn't see much french participation here is it because they are too shy? Anyway je continue sur ma lancee, je suis un abonne de la listserv writers si ca vous interesse, il se dit des choses tres interessantes mais bien sur vous devez comprendre l'anglais, I subscribe to the writers listserv, lots of interesting peoples there, well that's all folks! see you there in cyberspace1 Bon je m'en vais je suis un ecrivain francophone quebecois, voici mon adresse el electronique pour ceux qui ont des choses intelligentes a me dire, je ne repondrai pas aux cons Hi I can speak english too and you can write me to this addess up there I won't answer to flamers and stupid people so don't loose your time and mine in sending stupidities Il n'y a pas beaucoup de francophones dans cette phrase! Sont'ils timides? There is not a lot of french participa tion here, are they shy or what? Anyway! I'm on the writers listserv and there are lots of interesting people out there Pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais et s'interessent a l'ecriture ou aux ecrivains, essayez la listserv WRITERS C'est tres interessant ce qui se passe la, bon je vais laisser la place er la place a d'autres, on se reverra sans doute dans le cyberespace! erspace! So see you in the cyberspace! that's all folks! the world is now one with itself and other mortal beings, we are the quintessential beings of live - living, prospering, growing on and on and on until one day there may be no more; the end is far however and if that day should ever come the let it be it so and hope and pray and breathe that if it be it so then that is how it was just meant to be . . . and then a hush fell over everything and the man with the oak walking stick cleared his throat, and then blew his nose, and then started hacking real bad, like one of those people who you know shouldn't be going to those smoke-filled bingo halls, but go night after night ... and then he spoke, in a clear and high and almost girlish voice and from the dawn of time, we sailed onwards, infinitely up into the heavens hoping only for a glimpse of God, or for proof that he did not in fact exist -- wondering if we worshipped the right one, or if he was in fact dwelling inside us all the time -- now of course, if he was dwelling inside, was it just one of us, or all of us, and if he was in all of us was he distributed equally, into 5 billion seperate parts of the human condition or, instead did he in fact reside in all of us in his whole form -- could we in substance, ourselves, the human race, be this "God" for which we searched, and where is the place for organized religion in all of this, the answer of course to that last part being nowhere at all, no organized religion is without hypocrisy when one simple man speaks to us and tells us he is the messenger of God, so I say unto you, all of you, that we must continue on as we always have, and believe only in ourseleves and our fellow man, and perhaps for the first time we will see the peace to end all wars and then out of the gates of hell the lone man rose to dispute the rantings on of the silly creatures who spout so much nonsense and then he spoke to all who listened and said "Heads will roll", and the earth swallowed him and the sun shined and the earth shaked as I slowly walked on wondering what the man had meant as I looked to the sky and it turned dark in my face, horrors crossing my eyes as I slowly melted into nothingness sometimes I feel as if I am wasting my life away, so I just change the channel This crazy place in which we now dwell will grow and melt together with other alternate spaces in the widest expanse that the human mind will ever create to form a conglomerate of ideas not from the multitudes but from the infinite multitudes of people who lived then and live now and will live on into the future, the human condition dictates that in the spirit of manifest destiny we will always want to expand our territories into every which realm we dwell whether it be a man made realm or a universal realm and the condition that we have created is that our minds will create new areas in which other minds can create and be godlike, a specific example of this phenonenom is exactly what we are doing right now, submitting entries onto the longest string of human thought and idea to ever be thought of, and if we had not thought of it and added to it as one people "IT" would not exist at all so "IT" is a man made world in which humans can achieve greatness itself, and what could ever be better than that anyway I would like to kill, no maim, no just hurt, no wait, I would like to get my boss fired so I can have his job... No, I just want him to quit so I can have his job,... yeah... there is no excuse for wearing barrettes Thomas Benton, whose work we are mostly unfamiliar with,went blindly seeking the use of his left foot striking pain and anger to the nerves contained Dawn violently broke across the valley and it was a new day There's something special about new days We treat the morning with some great break with the yesterday, even though time runs continuum ad infinitum etc In reality, nothing changes while we're sleeping and when we wake up in the morning it's the same shit as it was yesterday But we don't live in reality We live in the symbolic Symbolically, when the sun sets and our drowsy eyes close for the night, something happens and the yesterday is radically separated from the today If you're ever lucky enough to disobey your weak body's command and stay up all night, watching the hues of twilight and thw hite static flicker of one million Americans hypnotize themselves and the rosy sunshine breaking over the horizon, you immediately realize how the same yesterday and today are, how there is no separation between the days, how they all slide together, merging into an infinity But back to our world, back to the symbolic It's a new day Dawn violently broke across the valley and it was a new day There's something special about new days We treat the morning with some great break with the yesterday, even though time runs continuum ad infinitum etc In reality, nothing changes while we're sleeping and when we wake up in the morning it's the same shit as it was yesterday But we don't live in reality We live in the symbolic Symbolically, when the sun sets and our drowsy eyes close for the night, something happens and the yesterday is radically separated from the today If you're ever lucky enough to disobey your weak body's command and stay up all night, watching the hues of twilight and thw hite static flicker of one million Americans hypnotize themselves and the rosy sunshine breaking over the horizon, you immediately realize how the same yesterday and today are, how there is no separation between the days, how they all slide together, merging into an infinity But back to our world, back to the symbolic It's a new day Dawn violently broke across the valley and it was a new day There's something special about new days We treat the morning with some great break with the yesterday, even though time runs continuum ad infinitum etc In reality, nothing changes while we're sleeping and when we wake up in the morning it's the same shit as it was yesterday But we don't live in reality We live in the symbolic Symbolically, when the sun sets and our drowsy eyes close for the night, something happens and the yesterday is radically separated from the today If you're ever lucky enough to disobey your weak body's command and stay up all night, watching the hues of twilight and thw hite static flicker of one million Americans hypnotize themselves and the rosy sunshine breaking over the horizon, you immediately realize how the same yesterday and today are, how there is no separation between the days, how they all slide together, merging into an infinity But back to our world, back to the symbolic It's a new day Glad to have found you in the sentence - glad you have joined in always, remember who you are DOUGLAS E-MAIL SUSAN - NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU Remember oh far travelling one, she who must be obeyed, is forever near oops, there's a typo in this sentence, open up the soap duckets - french

next part of sentence