add() - Method in class render.Geometry
Adds a new child shape to this shape.
add(Geometry) - Method in class render.Geometry
Add an existing shape, as a child to this shape.
addImprovedNoise(double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Adds noise to each vertex in the geometry and recursively to its children using improvedNoise.
addLight(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Adds light source with direction (x, y, z) & color (r, g, b).
addLight(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Adds light source with direction (x, y, z) & color (r, g, b).
addLight(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Add a light source where x,y,z are light source direction; r,g,b are light source color.
addLight(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Adds light source with direction (x, y, z) & color (r, g, b).
addNoise(double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Adds noise to the global transformation matrix.
addNoise(Matrix, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Adds noise (with frequency freq and amplitude ampl) to the desired matrix mat.
animate(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Override this to animate.
animate(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Override this to animate.
animate(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Override this to animate.
anisotropic - Variable in class render.Material
Indicates whether the material is anisotropic (light reflection varies with respect to direction).


ball(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a unit sphere with resolution n composed of 6 n by n patches.
bezeledCube(double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a bezeled cube with variable bezel of radius r.
Bezier - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Bezier basis matrix.
BezierInverse - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Inverse of the bezier basis matrix.
BSpline - Static variable in class render.Geometry
B-Spline basis matrix.
bufferg - Variable in class render.Renderer
Flag that determines whether to keep a z-buffer of geometries, to to know the frontmost object at any position (x, y) in the image.
bufferIm - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Secondary frambuffer for displaying additional information


CatmullRom - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Catmull-Rom basis matrix.
child - Variable in class render.Geometry
Stores the children geometries of the current geometry.
child(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns the nth child of the geometry .
color - Variable in class render.Material
Holds the color information ( Diffuse color R,G,B, Specular Color R,G,B, Specular exponent).
colorLight(int, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Assigns new color values to the light i.
computedMeshNormals() - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns whether or nor the mesh normals have been computed yet.
computeMeshNormals() - Method in class render.Geometry
Computes normals for the wireframe mesh.
computePixel(int[], int, int, int) - Method in class render.Material
Returns the packed integer of a particular pixel To do extra pixel computation, overload this method
computePolyhedronNormals() - Method in class render.Geometry
Computes normals for each vertex of each face of the polyhedron shape.
contains(Geometry) - Method in class render.Geometry
Find out whether the argument is a sub-geometry of this geometry object.
copy(double[], double[]) - Static method in class render.Vec
Copies contents of the src vector to the dst vector.
copy(Matrix) - Method in class render.Matrix
Copies contents from matrix src to the object matrix.
copyVertex(double[], double[]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Copies the coordinates and normal values of the original vertex to the target vertex.
copyVertices(double[][]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns a new 2-d array with a copy of vertices passed as the parameter.
copyVertices(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Copies and returns the contents of vertex array src to dst.
countTable() - Method in class render.Material
Counts the non-zero entries in the lookup table.
cross(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class render.Vec
Computes the cross-product of two vectors a and b and stores the result in dst.
cube() - Method in class render.Geometry
Sets the current shape geometry to a unit cube.
currentTime - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Holds current system time.
currentTime - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Holds current system time.
currentTime - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Holds current system time.
cylinder(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a k-sided polygon approximation to a cylinder.


damage() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Forces a refresh of the renderer.
damage() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Forces a refresh of the renderer.
damage() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Forces a refresh of the renderer.
delete(Geometry) - Method in class render.Geometry
Delete a child of a shape.
delete(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Delete the nth child of a shape.
disk(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a k-sided regular polygon approximation to a circular disk.
displaceByImprovedNoise(double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Displaces the shape geometry (each vertex) and its children by noise determined by frequency and amplitude.
dot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class render.Vec
Computes the dot product of vectors a and b.


elapsed - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Measures time elapsed from initialization.
elapsed - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Measures time elapsed from initialization.
elapsed - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Measures time elapsed from initialization.
enableLod - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Enables level of detail computation for meshes.
enableLod - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Enables level of detail computation for meshes.
enableLod - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Enables level of detail computation for meshes.
extrusion(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Extrudes a path along another path where O defines the path of the cross-section and P defines the path of the wire.


faces - Variable in class render.Geometry
Index of the faces that specifies the order and vertices that define individual faces.
frameRate - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Contains current frame rate of the renderer
frameRate - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Contains current frame rate of the renderer
frameRate - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Contains current frame rate of the renderer


gear(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a 3D gear with nTeeth number of teeth.
gearDisk(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a 2D gear disk with an nTeetch number of teeth.
gearTube(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a hollow cylindrical geared tube with k teeth.
gearTube(int, double[][]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a jointed gear-tube with m number of teeth, along the specified path.
Geometry - class render.Geometry.
Handles the manipulation, creation, and storage of geometric objects for use in the renderer.
Geometry() - Constructor for class render.Geometry
Constructor sets up the local and global transformation matrices.
get() - Method in class render.Matrix
Returns a copy of matrix (thread-safe)/
get(double, double, double) - Method in class render.ImagePyramid
Returns a sample at a particular fractional location and size
get(int, int) - Method in class render.Matrix
Returns matrix value at m[i, j].
get(int, int) - Method in class render.ImageBuffer
get(int, int, int) - Method in class render.ImagePyramid
returns a pixel of an image at the given location in the specified level
getAmbient() - Method in class render.Material
Gets the glow light components (r, g, b).
getBgColor() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the background color.
getCamera() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the matrix that defines the camera transformation.
getCameraAim() - Method in class render.Renderer
returns the current target look-at point of the camera
getCameraPos() - Method in class render.Renderer
returns the current position of the camera
getCameraUp() - Method in class render.Renderer
returns the current up vector of the camera
getClippingPlaneEpsilon() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the distance of the clipping plane from the camera lens.
getDiffuse() - Method in class render.Material
Gets the diffuse color components in RGB (range 0 to 1).
getDS() - Method in class render.Material
Returns the diffuse and specular light components.
getDSA() - Method in class render.Material
Gets the diffuse, specular, and ambient light components.
getFL() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the camera's focal length
getFOV() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the camera field of view.
getGeometry(int, int) - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the Geometry of the frontmost object at the point (x, y) in the image (like a z-buffer value of geometries).
getGeometry(int, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Returns the Geometry of the frontmost object at the point (x, y) in the image (like a z-buffer value of geometries).
getGeometry(int, int, double[]) - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the Geometry of the frontmost object at the point (x, y) in screenspace along with the coordinates of that point in world space.
getHeight() - Method in class render.ImageBuffer
getHeight(int) - Method in class render.ImagePyramid
returns the height of an image at the given level
getMatrix() - Method in class render.Geometry
Gets the transformation matrix for this shape.
getMeshCols() - Method in class render.Geometry
Internal number of mesh columns.
getMeshRows() - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns the number of rows in the mesh.
getNumberOfLights() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the number of lights in the scene.
getOffset() - Method in class render.Geometry
Get the x,y,z offset from the parent object.
getOutline() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the outline threshold parameter for sketch-like (artistic) rendition of the scene.
getParent() - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns the parent geometry object.
getSpecular() - Method in class render.Material
Gets the specular components of color (r, g, b, exponent).
getTable(int, int, int) - Method in class render.Material
Looks up the appropriate color value from the table at x, y, z.
getTexel(double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class render.Texture
Returns the integer value from the texture at [u, v ].
getTransparency() - Method in class render.Material
Returns the transparency of the material (0 transparent to 1 opaque).
getUnsafe() - Method in class render.Matrix
Returns the actual array containing the matrix (not thread-safe).
getWidth() - Method in class render.ImageBuffer
getWidth(int) - Method in class render.ImagePyramid
returns the width of an image at the given level
getWorld() - Method in class render.Renderer
Returns the root of the geometry tree.
globalMatrix - Variable in class render.Geometry
The global transform matrix used to record modifications to the shape's geometry (like superquadric, or adding slight noise imperfections to the surface).
globe(int, int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a longitude/latitude partitioned sphere where m and n specify longitude and latitude respectively.
globe(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a longitude/latitude partitioned sphere delimited by ranges in the east-west and north-south directions.
glow - Variable in class render.Material
Ambient lighting color values in RGB (glow) (range [0,1]).


H - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Image height
H - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Image height
H - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Image height
hasTexture() - Method in class render.Material
headsUp(boolean) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets whether the camera tries to maintain a "heads up" orientation.
height - Variable in class render.ImageBuffer
Hermite - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Hermite basis matrix.


identity() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Sets current matrix to the identity matrix.
identity() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Sets current matrix to the identity matrix.
identity() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Sets current matrix to the identity matrix.
identity() - Method in class render.Matrix
Sets the object matrix to the identity matrix.
identity(Matrix) - Static method in class render.Matrix
Sets the desired matrix to the identity matrix.
im - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Image framebuffer
im - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Image framebuffer
im - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Image framebuffer
ImageBuffer - class render.ImageBuffer.
ImageBuffer(Image, Component) - Constructor for class render.ImageBuffer
ImageBuffer(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class render.ImageBuffer
ImageBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class render.ImageBuffer
ImagePyramid - class render.ImagePyramid.
Multi Image Pyramid (MIP) processing
ImagePyramid(ImageBuffer) - Constructor for class render.ImagePyramid
Creates a multi-image maps from an image buffer
ImprovedNoise - class render.ImprovedNoise.
Improved version of Noise.
ImprovedNoise() - Constructor for class render.ImprovedNoise
init() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Initializes the applet and internal variables.
init() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Initializes the applet and internal variables.
init() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Initializes the applet and internal variables.
init(int, int) - Method in class render.Renderer
Initializes the renderer.
initialize() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Override this to initialize the application program.
initialize() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Override this to initialize the application program.
initialize() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Override this to initialize the application program.
initTable(int) - Method in class render.Material
Creates and initializes the lookup table to all black.
invert(Matrix) - Method in class render.Matrix
Inverts the 4x4 matrix and stores the result in the object matrix.
isDamage - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Flag to force a renderer refresh when true.
isDamage - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Flag to force a renderer refresh when true.
isDamage - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Flag to force a renderer refresh when true.
isDoubleSided - Variable in class render.Material
Indicates whether the material is double sided.
isDoubleSided() - Method in class render.Geometry
Returns the double sided status of the shape, true if the object or its material is double-sided, false otherwise.
isDragging() - Static method in class render.Renderer
Returns whether dragging is active or not.
isHeadsUp - Variable in class render.Renderer
Determines whether the camera tries to maintain a "heads up" orientation.


keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel.KeyHandler
Keyboard listener: various default control keys to modify render style (Use CTRL + key).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class render.RenderPanel.KeyHandler
Keyboard listener: various default control keys to modify render style (Use CTRL + key).
keyUp(Event, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Keyboard listener: various default control keys to modify render style (Use CTRL + key).


lathe(int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Extrudes a curve of varying radius around a circle.
latheGen(int, double[], double[], boolean) - Method in class render.Geometry
Extrudes a curve of varying radius around a circle of resolution m defined by the the coordinates in T (containing the succesive z coordinates) and C (containing the succesive radii).
lod - Variable in class render.Renderer
Set the level of detail for meshes.
lookAt(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the camera to move to the eye position, aim at the center, and maintain the up direction ( requires the Renderer.manualCameraControl flag to be turned on).


m() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Returns the matrix at the top of the stack.
m() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Returns the matrix at the top of the stack.
m() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Returns the matrix at the top of the stack.
makeCircle(int, double) - Static method in class render.Geometry
Creates a regular n-sided polygonal approximation to a circle with given radius.
makeCurve(double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class render.Geometry
Makes a smooth curve
makeGear(int) - Static method in class render.Geometry
Creates a geared path (triangular extrusions from a circle) with a given number of teeth.
makePath(int, double[][]) - Static method in class render.Geometry
Creates a smooth path composed of n subsegments that passes through the desired key points (uses hermite spline).
manualCameraControl - Variable in class render.Renderer
flag that enables full manual camera control for setting camera location, aim target, and the up vector.
material - Variable in class render.Geometry
Stores the shape's material properties.
Material - class render.Material.
Deals with aspects of color and material properties of objects.
Material() - Constructor for class render.Material
matrix - Variable in class render.Geometry
The transform matrix of the Geometry (used to keep track of translations, rotations, and scaling transformations).
Matrix - class render.Matrix.
Provides functionality for 4x4 3D matrix manipulations.
Matrix() - Constructor for class render.Matrix
Default constructor.
Matrix(double[]) - Constructor for class render.Matrix
Constructor takes an array of 16 elements to populate the 4x4 matrix.
mesh(int, int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a new m by n rectangular mesh ( rows by columns ).
modified - Variable in class render.Geometry
Flag set when the shape has been modified.
mouseDown(Event, int, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Listener for mouse down.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Dragging the mouse causes gradual view rotation in the phi and theta directions.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler
Dragging the mouse causes gradual view rotation in the phi and theta directions.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler
Dragging the mouse causes gradual view rotation in the phi and theta directions.
mouseMove(Event, int, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Listener for mouse movement.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler
Listener for mouse movement.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler
Listener for mouse movement.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler
Listener for mouse down.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler
Listener for mouse down.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler
Listens for mouse release and controls aspects of the renderer.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler
Listens for mouse release and controls aspects of the renderer.
mouseUp(Event, int, int) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Listens for mouse release and controls aspects of the renderer.
mx - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Current mouse position
mx - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Current mouse position
mx - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Current mouse position
my - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Current mouse position
my - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Current mouse position
my - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Current mouse position


Noise - class render.Noise.
Computes Perlin Noise for one, two, and three dimensions.
Noise() - Constructor for class render.Noise
noise(double) - Static method in class render.Noise
Computes noise function for one dimension at x.
noise(double, double) - Static method in class render.Noise
Computes noise function for two dimensions at the point (x,y).
noise(double, double, double) - Static method in class render.Noise
Computes noise function for three dimensions at the point (x,y,z).
noise(double, double, double) - Static method in class render.ImprovedNoise
Computes the Perlin noise function value at the point (x, y, z).
noiseA - Variable in class render.Material
Noise amplitude.
noiseF - Variable in class render.Material
Noise frequency.
noiseOrigin - Variable in class render.Geometry
Origin of the noise space, default [0, 0, 0].
norm(double[]) - Static method in class render.Vec
Computes the magnitude of the vector.
normalize(double[]) - Static method in class render.Vec
Normalizes vector v to unit-length.


outline(double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Thresholds t to produce a sketch-like (artistic) rendition of the scene.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Updates the image buffer to output device.
patch(int, int, double[][], double[]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a bicubic m by n patch
pause() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
prevents the renderer from redrawing the scene.
phi - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Euler angle for camera positioning (vertical view rotation).
phi - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Euler angle for camera positioning (vertical view rotation).
phi - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Euler angle for camera positioning (vertical view rotation).
pill(int, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a pill with resolution k, length len, and degree of roundness bulge.
pill(int, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a tapered pill with resolution k, length len, and degree of roundness bulge and a taper of the southern hemisphere.
pix - Variable in class render.ImageBuffer
placeLight(int, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Moves an already defined light i, to point in the new direction of normalized [x, y, z].
polygon(double[], double[]) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a polygon defined by the X and Y coordinates.
pop() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Pops the top matrix from the stack.
pop() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Pops the top matrix from the stack.
pop() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Pops the top matrix from the stack.
postMultiply(Matrix) - Method in class render.Matrix
Postmultiplies the object matrix by mb and stores the result in the object matrix; As a result, the translation, scaling and rotation operations contained in mb are effectively performed after those in the object matrix .
preMultiply(Matrix) - Method in class render.Matrix
Premultiplies the object matrix by mb and stores the result in the object; As a result, the translation, scaling and rotation operations contained in mb are effectively performed before those in the object .
pull(Geometry, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end parameters in each dimension.
pull(Geometry, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end parameters in each dimension.
pull(Geometry, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end parameters in each dimension.
pull(Matrix, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end parameters in each dimension.
pull(Matrix, Matrix, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end parameters in each dimension.
pullMask - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Used to describe which children are to be transformed using the pull function.
pullWeight - Static variable in class render.Geometry
Adjusts the influence-wieght of the pull function.
push() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Pushes a copy of the top matrix onto the stack.
push() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Pushes a copy of the top matrix onto the stack.
push() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Pushes a copy of the top matrix onto the stack.


recache() - Method in class render.Material
recomputeMeshNormals() - Method in class render.Geometry
Forces a recomputation of the mesh normals.
refresh() - Method in class render.Renderer
Force a refresh of the entire window.
refVertices - Variable in class render.Geometry
A set of vertices used as an original reference when changes are made to the current set of vertices.
reinit(int, int) - Method in class render.Renderer
Initializes the renderer.
render - package render
render() - Method in class render.Renderer
Render the entire world for this frame.
RenderApplet - class render.RenderApplet.
Provides an applet interface to the Renderer.
RenderApplet() - Constructor for class render.RenderApplet
renderer - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Renderer object
renderer - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Renderer object
renderer - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Renderer object
Renderer - class render.Renderer.
Renderer() - Constructor for class render.Renderer
renderFrame() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
renderFrame() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
RenderJPanel - class render.RenderJPanel.
Provides an applet interface to the Renderer.
RenderJPanel.KeyHandler - class render.RenderJPanel.KeyHandler.
RenderJPanel.KeyHandler() - Constructor for class render.RenderJPanel.KeyHandler
RenderJPanel.MouseHandler - class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler.
RenderJPanel.MouseHandler() - Constructor for class render.RenderJPanel.MouseHandler
RenderJPanel() - Constructor for class render.RenderJPanel
RenderPanel - class render.RenderPanel.
Provides an applet interface to the Renderer.
RenderPanel.KeyHandler - class render.RenderPanel.KeyHandler.
RenderPanel.KeyHandler() - Constructor for class render.RenderPanel.KeyHandler
RenderPanel.MouseHandler - class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler.
RenderPanel.MouseHandler() - Constructor for class render.RenderPanel.MouseHandler
RenderPanel() - Constructor for class render.RenderPanel
renderVertex(double[], Material) - Static method in class render.Renderer
Renders vertex v with material m, if table mode is enabled the data is just looked up in the material's table, otherwise it is computed.
renderVertex(int, Material) - Static method in class render.Renderer
Renders vertex i ( packed x,y,z) with material m.
res - Variable in class render.Material
Resolution of the material.
resP - Variable in class render.Material
Bit depth of the resolution.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Modifies the object matrix to rotate by angle theta about axis x,y,z.
rotateView(double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Rotate angle of view.
rotateX(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the X axis by angle t (radians).
rotateX(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the X axis by angle t (radians).
rotateX(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Rotates the top matrix around the X axis by angle t (radians).
rotateX(double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Modifies the object matrix to rotate about the X axis by angle theta.
rotateY(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the Y axis by angle t (radians).
rotateY(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the Y axis by angle t (radians).
rotateY(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Rotates the top matrix around the Y axis by angle t (radians).
rotateY(double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Modifies the object matrix to rotate about the Y axis by angle theta.
rotateZ(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the Z axis by angle t (radians).
rotateZ(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Rotates the top matrix around the Z axis by angle t (radians).
rotateZ(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Rotates the top matrix around the Z axis by angle t (radians).
rotateZ(double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Modifies the object matrix to rotate about the Z axis by angle theta.
run() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Renderer thread.
run() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Renderer thread.
run() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Renderer thread.
run() - Method in class render.Material
Thread that runs in the background ( provided the resources are available - no mouse dragging for example) and computes the normal map table of values for quick look up later.


scale(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Scales the top matrix by x, y, z in their respective dimensions.
scale(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Scales the top matrix by x, y, z in their respective dimensions.
scale(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Scales the top matrix by x, y, z in their respective dimensions.
scale(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Scales the transformation matrix by x,y,z in the respective directions.
seed - Static variable in class render.Noise
Initialization seed used to start the random number generator.
seeMesh - Variable in class render.Renderer
When set true, only the wireframe structure of the objects is displayed using appropriate colors.
set(double[], double, double, double) - Static method in class render.Vec
Populates the dst vector with values x, y, z.
set(int, int, double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Sets matrix value at m[i,j] to d.
set(int, int, int) - Method in class render.ImageBuffer
setAmbient(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the ambient lighting color values (range 0..1).
setBgColor(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Sets the background color ( RGB values range: 0..1).
setBgColor(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Sets the background color ( RGB values range: 0..1).
setBgColor(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Set the background fill color.
setBgColor(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Sets the background color ( RGB values range: 0..1).
setBgColor(int) - Method in class render.Renderer
Set the background fill color.
setCamera(double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Forces an absolute value for the camera matrix.
setCamera(Matrix) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the camera matrix directly.
setCameraAim(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the aiming point at which the camera should point.
setCameraPos(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the position of the camera.
setCameraUp(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the cameraUp vector (must be a unit vector).
setClippingPlaneEpsilon(double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the distance of the clipping plane in front of the camera lens.
setColor(double[]) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color-setting functions, see Material.setDS(double, double, double, double, double, double, double).
setColor(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color-setting functions, see Material.setDiffuse(double, double, double).
setColor(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color-setting functions, see Material.setDS(double, double, double, double, double, double, double).
setColor(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color-setting functions, see Material.setDSA(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double).
setDiffuse(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the diffuse components of light (range 0..1).
setDoubleSided(boolean) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the double sided flag true to indicate whether the object is double sided.
setDoubleSided(boolean) - Method in class render.Geometry
Sets the flag indicating whether the object is double sided.
setDragging(boolean) - Static method in class render.Renderer
If the user is interactively dragging the mouse, we want the renderer to know about it, so that any other background process (eg: a material which is building a lookup table) can ask the renderer, and thereby avoid consuming scarce CPU resources simultaneously.
setDS(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the diffuse and specular values of color.
setDSA(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the diffuse, specular, and ambient values of color.
setFL(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Sets the camera's focal length.
setFL(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Sets the camera's focal length.
setFL(double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the camera's focal length.
setFL(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Sets the camera's focal length.
setFOV(double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Sets the field of view value.
setFOV(double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Sets the field of view value.
setFOV(double) - Method in class render.Renderer
Sets the camera field of view.
setFOV(double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Sets the field of view value.
setGlow(double[]) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color setting function, Material.setAmbient(double, double, double)
setGlow(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Deprecated. Use specific color setting function, Material.setAmbient(double, double, double)
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class render.Geometry
Set the Material for this shape to be Material m.
setMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class render.Geometry
Set the transformation matrix for this shape.
setOffset(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Set the x,y,z offset from the parent object.
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
setSpecular(double, double, double, double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the specular color components (r, g, b, exp).
setTable(int, int, int, int) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the x, y, z, value in the lookup table to p.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class render.Material
setTransparency(double) - Method in class render.Material
Sets the transparency of the material (0 transparent to 1 opaque).
sew(Geometry, int, int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Attempts to sew the s geometry to the current shape geometry if the a and b parameters are both nonzero.
sew(Geometry, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class render.Geometry
Attempts to sew the s geometry to the current shape geometry if the a and b parameters are both nonzero according to transformation matrix m.
showFPS - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Flag that determines whether to display current frame rate.
showFPS - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Flag that determines whether to display current frame rate.
showFPS - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Flag that determines whether to display current frame rate.
showMesh - Variable in class render.Renderer
Shows/overlays the geometry mesh in black when true.
start() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Starts the renderer thread.
start() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Starts the renderer thread.
start() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Starts the renderer thread.
startTime - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Holds actual time of initialization.
startTime - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Holds actual time of initialization.
startTime - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Holds actual time of initialization.
stop() - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Stops the renderer thread.
stop() - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Stops the renderer thread.
stop() - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Stops the renderer thread.
subdivide(int, int, int, int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Subdivides one quad (I, J) of a bicubic mesh into a new m by n mesh.
superquadric(double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Deforms the current shape geometry in a similar manner to a quadric, but is just controlled by two parameters (p-center side "inflation", h-corner "inflation").
superquadric(Matrix, double, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Deforms the current shape geometry in a similar manner to a quadric, but is just controlled by two parameters (p-center side "inflation", h-corner "inflation").


table - Variable in class render.Material
Stores the precomputed normal map for quick lookup later.
tableMode - Static variable in class render.Renderer
Flag controls table lookup mode for materials, true means on.
tableMode - Variable in class render.Material
Flag determining wheter to precompute and store color tables for direct look up intead of on the fly computation.
texture - Variable in class render.Material
Texture - class render.Texture.
Texture handling
Texture(Image, String, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class render.Texture
Constructor using an image object
Texture(int[], int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class render.Texture
Constructor using an array of pixels
theta - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Euler angle for camera positioning (horizontal view rotation).
theta - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Euler angle for camera positioning (horizontal view rotation).
theta - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Euler angle for camera positioning (horizontal view rotation).
torus(int, int, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a torus with resolution m by n and radius r.
toString() - Method in class render.Matrix
toString(Matrix) - Method in class render.Matrix
Converts the transformation matrix to a String.
transform(Geometry) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Applies the top transformation matrix to Geometry s.
transform(Geometry) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Applies the top transformation matrix to Geometry s.
transform(Geometry) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Applies the top transformation matrix to Geometry s.
translate(double[]) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Translates the top matrix by vector v.
translate(double[]) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Translates the top matrix by vector v.
translate(double[]) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Translates the top matrix by vector v.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderJPanel
Translates the top matrix by x, y, z.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Translates the top matrix by x, y, z.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Translates the top matrix by x, y, z.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class render.Matrix
Applies a translation by x, y, z to the obeject matrix.
transparency - Variable in class render.Material
Transparency of the object (0-invisible, 1-opaque).
tube(int) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a hollow cylindrical tube with resolution k.
tube(int, double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Creates a tapered tube, where m denotes the number of steps around the circle and taper indicates the additional scaling of the southern end of the tube.


update(Graphics) - Method in class render.RenderPanel
Updates the image buffer to output device.
update(Graphics) - Method in class render.RenderApplet
Updates the image buffer to output device.
updateTransparency - Variable in class render.Renderer
Allocate space for transparent objects when true.
useMIP - Static variable in class render.Texture


v - Variable in class render.Material
Vec - class render.Vec.
Provides functionality to manipulate vectors.
Vec() - Constructor for class render.Vec
verticedepth - Variable in class render.Geometry
if we don't have a texture then we set it as 6, if we have a texture to apply, the depth is 8
vertices - Variable in class render.Geometry
Array of vertices defining the geometric shape.


W - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
Image width
W - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
Image width
W - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
Image width
width - Variable in class render.ImageBuffer
wire(int, double[][], double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Extrudes a wire/jointed-tube along the specified keypoints, with radius r, m segments approximating roundness, along the path determined by the key points.
wire(int, int, double[][], double) - Method in class render.Geometry
Extrudes a wire/jointed-tube along the specified keypoints, with radius r, m segments approximating roundness, and n segments approximating the path along the key points.
world - Variable in class render.RenderJPanel
root of the scene Geometry
world - Variable in class render.RenderPanel
root of the scene Geometry
world - Variable in class render.RenderApplet
root of the scene Geometry