Defining relationships between elements
A surface filled with one hundred medium to small sized circles. Each circle has a different size and direction, but moves at the same slow rate. Display:
A.  The instantaneous intersections of the circles
B.  The aggregate intersections of the circles


A grid of points in the top half of the surface. Each point moves downward and returns to the top when it leaves the bottom edge. Beginning in the upper-left, each row and column...


Every possible pairing of these sixteen curves. Use the additive numeric values from each curve to set the value of a series of horizontal lines from white to black.


Building the structure in software.
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Different artists interpret the same structure.
A Tarbell B Tarbell
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A Hodgin B Hodgin
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A Ngan B Ngan
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The same structure in different languages.
A FlashMX B FlashMX
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A C++ B C++
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Steps in the evolution of one structure.
01 02 03 04
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05 06 07 08
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09 10    
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The catalyst for this project is the work of Sol LeWitt. I had a simple question: "Is the history of conceptual art relevant to the idea of software as art?" I began to answer the question by implementing three of LeWitt's drawings in software. [Implemetations with permission of Sol LeWitt]
Wall Drawing #85
Wall Drawing #106
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Wall Drawing #358
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Created by Casey Reas in association with Jared Tarbell, Robert Hodgin, and William Ngan.
Unless otherwise noted, the software was created with Processing.